• Votes


    In 12-2, "Autocost" only works when creating record and not when ...

    In 12-2, "Save/Autocost" is only available when you create the record and Save/Autocost is available and can be used without error on all statuses, yet only jobcosts if ...
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    Allocate Inventory by assemblies 12-2

    Currently can allocate inventory by part only. Assemblies can allocate if used thru Service Receivables. When requested for a project whether by field personnel or ...
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    Purchase Order Receipts

    When creating a purchase order receipt it demands a job #. Not all orders are associated with a job #. Is it possible to have the F7 funtion available here so that we can ...
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    Allow mass editing of user fields in 9-6 or 9-7

    If a field in 9-2 parts doesn't impact costs, it would be nice if it could be maintained by users via uploads. Since Sage works well with Excel, it would be helpful to ...
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    Automatically Update Part Costs in Inventory Templates

    Currently, when creating a template for inventory allocations, the part cost at the time the template was created is used for all future allocations made from that ...
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    Don't let inventory pull from another location.

    If you have multiple inventory locations (for example inventory in two different states) the program will allow you to allocate more inventory than is available from one ...
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    Please allow inactive on inventory locations.

    We have OLD vans in there that we can not remove due to being used previously.
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    Billing amount updated automatically or with an import

    When updating markups in 9-7 allow the Billing Amount to update automatically or allow a process to do it in mass.
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    Integrate Inventory and Takeoffs

    When you do a 9-5 takeoff, you should be able to: - Run an inventory report for the material items in the takeoff, to see if there is stock of that item before ordering ...
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    Fix the Inventory Quantities Table Custom Report Sorting (12-1-2 ...

    If you try to create a custom report where the "Inventory Quantities" (invqty) table is the primary table, it only sorts by part number, even if you specify different ...
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    Physical inventory

    This is my annual request to simplify our physical inventory. However, I just came up with a very simple solution. Create a sheet identical to 12-2, except add one column ...
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    inventory allocation auto job cost

    When you originally create an allocation and mark shipped, you can auto job cost. If you mark as review and go back to shipped, you lose auto Job Cost. You should be ...
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    vendor's part number

    Please allow that part # and vendor price to be imported to new columns on the PO when issuing a PO to a preferred vendor. I was told it is currently just for reference ...
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    recall purchase order receipts and/or be able to reprint receipt.

    It would be nice to be able to reprint the purchase order receipts. Or shop doesn't always print the receipt. They also don't have access to a printer next to them and ...
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    Include 12-2 Inventory Transactions in the API

    This is a huge missing component of the API. It seems that you can do just about everything else with the API, but anything to do with inventory (which is a very large ...
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    SSO Part Numbers

    When looking up and showing parts on work order numbers, there should be an option to pull from Alpha Part # in Sage 100 instead of just part # so employees/customers see ...
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    I would love to see a "Ctrl - Z" option available in Master Builder.

    I would love to see a "Ctrl - Z" option available on pages throughout Master Builder. We all make mistakes... After all that's why pencils have erasers. "Ctrl - Z" ...
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    Average cost values should only be created through purchase receipts ...

    In 9-2 parts leave the average cost field blank when using copy/paste to create a new part. It would be nice to be able to copy a similar existing part to a new record, ...
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    Please add Bin # to the screen. This will tell the person looking for ...

    If a person that has to find the right part at the right time, there should be more information on their tablet so they can go get it! Please add Bin # to the screen ...
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    Assign vendors to parts for inventory when estimating is not owned

    The option to assign vendors in 9-7 is only available for those who own the estimating module, but those who own the inventory module and use service reeivables also need ...