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    From the account cell from the 4-2 invoice allow tab key to move to ...

    From the account cell from the 4-2 invoice allow tab key to move to discount field in invoice footer It would save a lot of time entering payable invoices with discounts
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    Make feature that allows you to combine 2 jobs together

    Make feature that allows you to combine 2 jobs together
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    Supplementary check stub to not waste checks

    We often pay multiple invoices from a vendor on one check. (Our vendors invoice by job vs. by period). This wastes a lot of blank checks when the invoice list on the stub ...
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    AP needs a cutoff date(statement) field by vendor

    credit card companies and other vendors have a cutoff date that is used to determine which charges will appear on the statement. the payment is due on the DUE DATE. the ...
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    Selecting invoices to pay in 4-3-1

    When selecting invoices, you used to be able to hit enter and it would highlight the vendors (in red) in the pick list, and then you would insert highlighted...you can't ...
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    Need ability to block a credit card so that it is not charged to.

    I'd suggested the ability to make a credit card inactive; Sage shows that this was done. I still cannot make a card inactive. My situation - We use Merrill Lynch and ...
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    Allow equipment repairs to be tracked in Daily Field Reports

    This will allow users to record shop labor for Equipment Repairs - WITHOUT having to give the users access to the Payroll module.
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    Having a default 'description' for vendors that auto fills the ...

    It would be great to have the 'Description' field under the job/phase section auto fill for certain vendors like cost codes and cost types. So if it's Safety supplies ...
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    Subcontract overbilled Warning

    When entering an invoice against a subcontract, if the amount entered is more than what is remaining on the contract can you create a simple dialogue box that warns the ...
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    Mass Close Purchase Orders

    We would like to be able to view the list of purchase orders and check a box to mass close (inactivate) purchase orders. Similar to the look up screen in 3-5 Accounts ...
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    1-1 edited records don't show on vendor payment journal

    If a GL check is issued against a vendor, but later edited, the new journal transaction won't show up on the vendor payment journal.
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    The 4-4 Accounts Payable, Options, Vendor remit feature

    The 4-4 Accounts Payable, Options, Vendor remit feature is a good start but this area needs to drive an optional prompt when printing AP Checks for the vendor. This ...
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    Allow vendor screen (4-4) to be put on hotlist

    Allow us to put a vendor (4-4) on the hotlist. This allows us to make sure we get insurance, master contracts, w-9 or any other items we need from the vendor we can't ...
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    Populate Use Tax District from Job in the Payable Invoice Screen

    We are a mid sized construction company that often encounters situations where vendors do not charge us sales tax and we subsequently need to expense, accrue, and pay use ...
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    4-7-4 Enter Recurring Charges

    Make it work like 4-7-3 so that we can post to multiple GL accounts.
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    Sage needs to incorporate quantities on invoices receipts and all ...

    We are a paving contractor and because Sage does not track or report quantities we have to run separate spreadsheets to track our material quanties.
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    Discount Date field

    Why is Discount Date a requirement? We do not use this and never will. Some people may use it but this should be an option not a mandatory field to fill out.
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    Vendor number default

    Make it so that if a vendor number is higher than the default entry, you can still change default entry to be a number lower than the highest number.
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    Include the Job Cost detail when copying a 4-2 invoice

    Currently we are not able to change a job or other info if a 4-2 invoice is created incorrectly. Instead we need to delete the invoice and re-create it. It would be at ...
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    Can we make certain gl accounts not subject to discounts on ap invoice ...

    I would like freight not to be discounted and I like putting freight on an invoice entry line so I can control how it is job costed.