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    Add a box for Designer on the 3-5 Job

    We have a box for Architect. Can we add one for Designer?
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    Allow unlimited Tax Entities

    If you use the sideways arrow under Tax Districts it brings you to a window where you can enter in Tax Entities. These tax entities make up the total tax for a Tax ...
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    allowing the option to choose specific change orders to upend to a ...

    right now if we have a job with multiple change orders, when we go to the progress bill to append as new lines, it brings in all the approved change orders. We should ...
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    Allow T&M Invoice to be untaxable

    Materials that are job costed and sales taxed via job cost are being subject to tax again when invoiced to customers via the T&M invoice system. There should be a ...
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    Editing of progress claims without the need to generate an invoice

    There are situations where a contract is billed under 3.2 and much later along the project cycle, the schedule of values is defined. Where you had previously billed under ...
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    remembering order of headings in search function

    When searching for progress claims under 3.7, you are able to manipulate the order of the headings under the search function. This is not remembered by the program and ...
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    multiple departments on one invoice

    We have multiple departments that work on the same job. It would be ideal to be able to separate and invoice into multiple departments for cost tracking and income ...
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    Ability to Enter Multiple Contracts/POs to a Job + Multiple Clients

    Sometimes we get multiple contracts or POs per job and sometimes they are through different clients too. Would be nice to be able to not have to keep track of that stuff ...
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    Freeze Grid Column

    I am in Jobs and when running a query I have added many fields which makes many columns. I want to freeze the first column so I can see all the way across what job my ...
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    Undo/Go back button

    I would like to suggest having an undo button or go back button like Microsoft has. I deleted a line in my invoice and it created more work for me because there were a ...
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    Due terms in business days

    We have several Clients that negotiate their due terms in Business Days. It would be great to have that option in the system. We have to change it manually at each ...
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    JOB NUMBERS - Allowing Letter Characters

    Many fields allow "Character" as their Field Type. Job Numbers are forced to fall within numerical inputs only. In order to differentiate between divisional job ...
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    Print A/R Aging by Job Access List

    Print the A/R Aging by the Users on the Job Access Listing so we can look at each user's A/R seperately.
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    Over 120 Day Aging Column

    Most companies have a line of credit with their bank that carves out certain receivables from eligibility; in construction, 90 days is too short for a paid-when-paid ...
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    security on post for progress billing

    There is a need for security in Progress Billing. The ability to secure the Post feature would allow PMs to create a progress bill without being able to affect ...
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    Date Selection on Statements

    When printing statements for customers, it would be great to be able to have the option to enter a date range for the statement. For example, if you want to include ...
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    lock closed jobs

    I've seen this idea marked as completed in several posted, but it hasn't. We need the ability to lock closed jobs just as we lock closed periods. For effective archiving ...
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    Client Billing Notes/Alerts

    In a perfect world you would bill each and every client the exact same way; enter invoice details, print invoice, put in an envelope, send it USPS, and then get paid ...
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    we need to be able to have more than 1 sales tax entry on a job, ...

    we need to be able to have more than 1 sales tax entry on a job, example in Pennslyvania there is a 6% sales tax and Philadelphia has an extra 2%., for auditing purposes ...
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    When a user is in a Job (Accounts Receivable) please add a "Create ...

    Anyone who creates work orders and quotes will love this! The button/icon could go at the top next to all the other icons.