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    Populate the 3-6 Receivable Client equipment tab with serialized parts ...

    When a serialized part is pulled from inventory and allocated to a job that has a client, it would auto fill the 3-6 client's equipment tab with serialized parts, instead ...
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    Progress Billing

    Have the ability to post to income on a progress billing as you go. If a builder want you to submit monthly, you need to know where you are at on an income basis as you ...
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    In Progress Billing 3-7; ability to select Part Number in addition to ...

    Have a part number column so you can select a part number from the appropriate category and that transfers over to the invoice.
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    Need ability to break out a change order when importing into 3-7

    Sometimes, we have very large change orders approved and when we import them into 3-7, they are imported as a lump sum when our client awards the change order by phase or ...
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    AR Cash Receipts: Can a pick list option be added for clients and jobs in the 3-3-1 (like pick list option in 4-3-1 area)? I process roughly 25-30 billings each month, ...
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    11-2 import hours from dispatch to invoice details

    I think it would be helpful to be able to import the total hours on the dispatch tab of work orders into the invoice tab.
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    6-1-4 #71 Create Summary one line per job

    It would be amazing if you could create this report so all jobs show up as a summary on one line with all of the jobs listed. I need to create a report with Total Billed ...
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    Expand the 3-7 Jobs Contract Amount Field Into a Table

    Sometimes we get multiple contracts per job that we have to keep track of manually. The amounts are summed and put into the Contract Amount field in 3-7 Jobs but it would ...
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    company security

    There needs to be a way to set up read only access to AR and AP menu. This way only specific people can create, clients, jobs and vendors to make sure all the required ...
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    Turn off the ability to enter invoices with a status of paid

    We understand that clients may need to enter historical paid AR invoices during implementation. But could you please give us the option to turn off that ability once ...
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    Add "clicktopay" so customers can click hyperlink and pay their ...

    Want the ability to have customer's pay their service invoices online. Adding Clicktopay to Sage 100 Contractor so customer's can click on hyperlink to pay their invoices ...
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    Invoicing without a Job Number

    There should be a way to invoice customers without having to reference a job number as there are occasions when the invoice is not related to a job (example: monthly rent ...
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    3-5 Jobs (Accounts Receivable) Project Date data is saved as a string ...

    We are attempting to build an alert or report that depends on a date field in the 3-5 screen. The table is Actrec. The screen is 3-5 on the Project Dates & Sales ...
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    Wage Rate box in 3-10-1 changes anytime wage rate changes are made in ...

    The Wage Rate box in 3-10-1 T&M Billing setup changes anytime you make a change in 3-10-5 T&M Wage Rates. If you create a brand new wage rate in 3-10-5, it will populate ...
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    Email Templates and populated Subject lines

    When send alot of invoices to customers as well as many others here. Coming from Quickbooks it was so easy to send Emails and fast. You create a template for each kind ...
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    3-5 AR Jobs - Purchase Orders tab

    Would be easier if the Purchase Orders tab would display PO's in a more usable order, such as by PO number or date. Today, it's sorted by vendor NUMBER, which isn't the ...
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    Allow pasting in progress billing description

    When clients are new they often have many historical progress billings that have to be set up. But when I try to copy from the excel version Sage will not allow me to ...
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    Batch process for adding new users to the access list for projects

    With "Subject to Job Security" set for a security group, the only way to add a new user to the access list for a project is one by one using 3-5. It would be very ...
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    T&M Calculation

    Periodically T&M invoices calculate incorrectly for the Overhead and Profit. I was told this was an averaging issue. I feel if we are sending out invoices to owners our ...
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    retention release phase

    Be able to release retention by phase level, not just on Job. Example have 2 phases, one still needs to be 10%, however the second phase needs to be at 5. Now we have to ...