• Votes


    Custom Fields (3-6 Receivable Clients)

    1. Would like to be able to place this as a field in and of the tabs available on 3-6 Rec. Clients page. 2. Would like to be able to pull the custom field onto a Form ...
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    Add a 2nd Labor *Cost Type* called "Labor- No Mark Up"

    Sometimes we don't want to add a profit on our labor. But 3-10-1 only allows us to change the profit percentage of labor for all labor by job. Please allow us to ...
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    Unreleased retainage when closing jobs

    When closing jobs, it would be helpful for a message to pop up, warning that you have not released retainage on the project.
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    3-10-2 Compute T&M by Date Range

    We use the 3-10-2 Compute feature frequently but would like to request a new report format. We need to run a compute by a date range of payroll to capture the days an ...
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    Progress Billing: Ability to insert a line into a progress billing ...

    We need to be able to insert a line into a progress billing, mid project (not the first pay application). This would be for change order and changes that need to be ...
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    3-10-3 Time & Materials Report by Date

    For example, type in date 1/2/25, job # All costs on that date associated show what happened on that date. X people were on this job doing drywall, or electrical. ...
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    Receivable invoice

    When creating a job invoice (3-2), it is kind of ridiculous that one cannot "view" an invoice before printing, other wise creating an additional invoice and receivable in ...
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    3-2 Due Date

    Additional formulas for due date for example Invoice Date + XX DY When entering previous invoices you have to do the date math vs. it auto populating to the terms for ...
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    Allow Short Name to Auto Fill with Long Name if field left blank

    Allow Short Name to Auto Fill with Long Name if field left blank, instead of being required to enter both a Long Name and Short Name
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    Progress billing retention should calculate of current billed instead ...

    Many times we have different vendors billing to the same line item (dictated by the owner). Based upon the contract agreements the retention amount is different for each ...
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    Don't include unposted payroll records in time and materials invoices

    It would be very helpful if payroll records did not get pulled into time and materials invoices until those payroll records get posted to the GL. It is a multi-day ...
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    Process payment without client invoice

    Need to be able to post a payment to a customers account without an invoice be posted to their account.
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    Enter overpayment in 3-3-1 for invoices already paid.

    Include option to enter overpayment for invoices already with a paid status in 3-3-1 cash receipts and have this entry automatically create a credit invoice (similar to ...
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    Sales tax on overhead for T&M billings

    Currently the taxability table includes cost types, and Profit columns only. We need a column for overhead. It appears to not be calculating on the overhead portion of ...
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    WORK ORDER BUTTON IN 3-5 & 3-6

    Add a "CREATE WORK ORDER BUTTON" so when user is in a record in 3-5 or 3-6 they can click the button and it would take the user straight to Work Orders with the job and ...
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    Have a refresh button on the "Post Invoices" page

    It would be nice to have a refresh button on the Post Invoices page so it can be left open and refreshed when an invoice is re-computed.
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    Have the option to use the 9-2 Sale Price of a part in T&M Invoices, ...

    We generally like to round up the price of the parts in our T&M invoices, and some parts are marked up differently than others. Currently we go into every single Job ...
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    Select statuses to view A/R list - so voided ones do not show

    When using the down arrow to search for A/R invoices, I am only able to see one status or see all of them. I'd like to pick multiple statuses, (i.e. Open and Paid) and ...
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    AP/AP Hold Back Tabs on Client 3.6 and Vendor 4-4 pages

    To be able to see if holdback is outstanding by client/vendor rather than having to go into the all jobs to search. By adding a tab at the bottom with open invoices or ...
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    Longer contact email address field

    We are using Procore, it assigns email address for the project, and these email addresses are much longer that Sage 3-5 contact table accepts. please make the contact ...