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    Add a line to progress billing

    I would like to adda line item in the middle of my Progress billing without retyping the whole thing?
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    Change manage period availability to be able to seperately lock AR & ...

    We usually finish posting our AR far before we finish posting AP for any given month. It would be nice to be able to lock a period for AR separably from AP.
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    WIP labour costs should be split out (wage, CPP, EI...)

    Currently if we have a WIP job, the labour costs go to the WIP account as one giant lump sum. It lumps the wage, CPP, EI, vacation etc all together. At the end of a ...
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    Transfer Client PO# to invoice when doing Progress Billing

    When doing Progress Billing, the invoice that is generated in 3-2 should automatically bring in the Client PO# from the corresponding job card (3-5)
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    3-10 T&M being able to set multiple 6-3 job cost to non billable at ...

    When recreating T&M being able to set the billing status to multiple job cost (6-3) to billable or non billable all at once.
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    Add shipping address to 3-5 Jobs (Accounts Receivable)

    Because each job that we complete for our clients has a different site address (aka shipping address) it would help us a great deal if there were fields created for the ...
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    Warning message when computing job cost but billing set-up is not ...

    There used to be a warning message that would pop up during "Compute T&M Invoices" if there were job costs, but not T&M Billing Setup. This seems to have gone away in ...
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    Progress Bill Status to Closed

    When a job is final billed and totally complete, I don't see an option to change the status of the progress bill to Closed. When a job is in the early stages, I click ...
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    Ability to add more than one Client per Project.

    Sometimes my client changes partway through the project and sometimes I might work for a contractor and they want me to bill their client for something directly. ...
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    Quantity in Progress Billing

    There are quite a few instances where we bill material/options and they get more than one. However, there isn't an option to enter the quantity of any items just the end ...
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    Have a Misc Billing for A/R.

    There are times we have Misc billings that are not related to a job. We rent out equipment, Bill for Customer Service work that a builder has asked us to do from another ...
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    Have AR Client Satements to subtotal each job.

    Currently the AR statements just list all the open invoices. It would be nice for our clients if the statements would subtotal each job to make it easy for our clients ...
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    Progress Billing description to transfer to invoice and receipts ...

    In Progress Billing (3-7) it would be much more helpful if what is entered under the "Description" column would transfer to the invoice (3-2) description column, which in ...
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    When you create a copy of an A/R invoice and you change the ...

    This is to clean the A/R client statement so when a client receives their statement they do not have to question the entries. You are able to delete this type of entry ...
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    Tax features in AR and AP

    Some of the more robust tax features in Accounts Receivable such as the cost type selection for Tax Entities are limited to some billing types such as T&M but do not work ...
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    Canadian Edition: 3-7 Progress Billing report

    Allow the user to select the order in which line items from the 3-7 Progress Billing application print on the 3-7-21 report. Some users do not wish to print by Cost Code ...
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    progress billing report jumbles all the line items

    when printing progress billing the report should not rearrange the order of the line items. the report should print in the order it is entered line by line
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    Fix A/R Aged Call Sheets - reporting same information in both CURRENT ...

    We regularly use report # 3-1-5-56 and after update 19.5 in December 2014, the report is now showing the same invoice amounts due in both the Current and the 1-30 day ...
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    T&M invoices should have part details with actual quanities on it.

    Currently a T&M just groups all Cost Codes together (from the Job Costs), but my clients need to see more details than that. I need to be able to have part details ...
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    Job Costs should be separated by actual part number and quantity, not ...

    It doesn't help me to see a lump of Cost Codes on a report. I would like the Job Costs to be separated by actual parts, with quantities visible, so I can make informed ...