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    w/o component where-used inquiry should show Item and Revision

    In WO component where-used inquiry, the inquiry result should also show the Item number and Revision in addition to the WO#, step, and qty required.
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    Bring back the ability to have negative numbers on physical count

    We need to be able to enter a negative number for physical counts. For example some customers require an invoice for large items before they will give payment. We ...
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    MRP should recognize both open sales orders and MTD sales when ...

    The projected demand for a month does not reflect MTD sales in MRP therefore as sales orders are filled the projected demand remains the same. The PD Itm Est line in the ...
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    Expand the time in Work Order Routing from 2 decimals to 3 or 4 ...

    Expand the time in Work Order Routing from 2 decimals to 3 or 4 decimals, this greatly affects manufacturing labor costs.
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    Purchase order printing, add user created logon field

    The work file for Purchase order printing. Include the four user key and logon fields that exist in the sales order printing work file.
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    BOM allow option to specify using component default warehouse when ...

    I have a client that opted to use warehouses instead of purchasing Multi/Bin. They have created several Warehouses for different areas within one physical warehouse. ...
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    Have BOM Production Entry pull default warehouse from I/M

    When entering a Bill of Materials Production Entry, if you have multiple warehouses setup, the system uses a 'default' warehouse that is global. Instead it should pull ...
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    Maximum workorder size

    I would like to see a maximum work order size in the WorkOrder module. For health and safety reasons we can only schedule a certain number of items per workorder and this ...
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    Increase field length for category1 through category4 in Inventory ...

    I would like to request the Category1 through Category4 field lengths be longer in Inventory Management. Currently they are 10 characters long, increasing them to 20 ...
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    scrap reporting

    In Workorder there is nothing that would allow a user to report scrap for certain items in a Bill of Material item. If only a portion of the item (ie. subcomponents) were ...
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    Standard cost roll up that has labor and overhead included

    Unless you have a work order currently open for an item, the cost roll up feature under the Work Order module doesn't work correctly. The Labor/Overhead number is ...
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    Costed Bill of Materials Report. Cost Heading

    Put back the cost used heading on the report. Heading removed with 4.4 version. User doesn't know if they printed Last or Average Cost
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    limited access to do maintenance in acct receivable and inventory

    It would great if our Customer Service Dept had limited access to Customer Maintenance to add new contacts with phone numbers, address and email without having to go to a ...
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    Transaction Entry - Comment Field

    Item Maintenance - Transaction Entry - Header - Comment Field - allow more characters It is important, especially when entering adjustments, to be clear on your reasoning ...
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    Sales Order/Quote History Inquiry locks-up when closing

    Sales Order - Sales Order/Quote History Inquiry If you click OK or close the window while on the Lines tab, the module locks-up. Actually, it appears to be listing every ...
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    When creating a WO for a SO pull the warehouse code over

    Currently when you create a Work Order made for a Sales Order it does not pull over the warehouse for the line item. So the person creating the work order has to go pull ...
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    PO Line Items with WO Numbers should not show up in the MRP Report. ...

    When a PO is created with a WO attached in the line, the PO Qty should not show up in the MRP Report. It should be similar to how it looks in Inventory Inquiry. MRP ...
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    Add identification of current rev parent bill at Where Used Inquiry.

    The current where used inquiry screen has no indication if the parent bill is the current revision. There is no way to tell by looking at the online screen that the ...
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    For automatic price changes, allow the option to change the number of ...

    Currently when updating inventory pricing by a % amount, the system changes the price to include 4 decimal points to the right of the decimal. Example, the selling price ...
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    Please return the ability to change standard costs at any time

    Would like to be able to update standard cost in inventory maintenance in Ver 4.4