• Votes


    BOM- allow user to specify warehouse for components at BOM line item ...

    BOM Maintenance should allow the user to specify a warehouse for each line item component. Currently we can only do that once the BOM Rev has been pulled into a WO.
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    Auto generate option for job numbers

    It would be nice to have MAS90 be the point of creation of a job number from job costing module job maintenance. Even if it was optional for companies that don't see a ...
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    Bin locations

    The bin location has been moved to the reorder screen. That and the vendor price schedules are now hard to find and cumbersome to click to. Let's move them back to ...
  • Votes


    receipt of invoice register show invoice total regardless of PO #

    If an invoice is received with multiple PO's involved, separate totals are created based on the PO number. There should be an option to print the report with totals by ...
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    Batch dissasambly option in Bill of Materials

    There should be a batch dissasambly option in Bill of Materials Dissasambly, Like in Production to avoid the conflict of two or more people dissasambling at the same ...
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    Lot numbers should print on Work Order Travelers

    A modified crystal form had to be created to print lot numbers on the traveler. The issue transactions forces you to assign lot numbers. This lot number must be used when ...
  • Votes


    Change the Inventory Reorder report to give you an option to include ...

    Change the Inventory Reorder report to give you an option to include issues, when you show usage. Currenlty only sales information shown. Great for a distributor, but ...
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    Allow to enter multiple serial numbers at the same time in Inventory ...

    The inventory adjustment entry allows to adjust only one serial number at a time. If I have to adjust a thousand serial numbers I have to go one at a time. The system ...
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    Show the routing number in Bill of Materials Inquiry Screen

    Currently to view which routing number is on the BOM, you have to go into Bill of Materials Maintenance. It would be easier to not have to go into maintenance for the ...
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    Quality Control and Receipt of Goods Action Program

    Add a module or program to the Purchasing module and Bill of Material module to allow for actions to be taken and details to be given related to quality issues during ...
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    Do not require all modules be closed when freezing inventory items.

    Aovid the error message "IM2 Is in use by another task" when printing physcal worksheets and freezing items in Physical Count under Inventory Management.
  • Not Planned


    Change DivisionNo back to string in SY0DCT for MRP forecast import

    In MAS90/200 v4.4, the DivisionNo is now a ZEROFILLED field, whereas it used to be a string. When attempting to import, MAS90 auto creates Div 00 even if the entity does ...
  • Votes


    WO Entry screen should allow the Due date to be auto-filled by a ...

    WO entry screen due date gets auto-filled by the Promise date on the SO line item on make-for SO workorders. MAS should allow for that date field to be auto-filled by ...
  • Votes


    MRP should recognize Bills with Options that are in Sales Order

    Currently, the documentation indicates that "MRP does not consider Bill Options when running the generation process. Bill Options are not supported". This results in ...
  • Votes


    Prevent empty Bill of Materials from being created.

    In version 4.40, if a bill contains a subassembly and that subassembly does not have components, the "explode subassembly" in production entry does not work. It also ...
  • Votes


    Add a utiltiy to Bill of Material to delete a range of bills.

    Add a utility to Bill of Materials, similar to Inventory, that you can use to delete a range of bills and/or range of revisions. Add this utiltiy to the end of the ...
  • Votes


    Bill of Materials Customizer: Add header variables to script variable ...

    I don't know if this is a bug or just left out. In SO and PO when you create a script via customizer you have access to both the header and line level variables to use ...
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    Add Yield Percent to IM! or IM2

    Some types of parts are subject to yield - a predictable portion on stock does not work in application. MRP would use this value to extend the result in ...
  • Votes


    Include on Qty On Hand prior to or resulting from transaction in IM5

    Allows clear audit trail understanding - sequencing of transactions, etc.
  • Votes


    WO module- Alert to notify or prevent completing qty more than planned

    In WO Transaction entry, there is nothing to prevent a user from completing a quantity greater than was qty planned on the WO. Should have an alert to at least let user ...