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    In MRP, show standard and purchase UOM on action by vendor report

    In MRP, show standard and purchase UOM on action by vendor report
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    In MRP, give user ability to sort action by vendor report by top-level ...

    In MRP, give user ability to sort action by vendor report by top-level assembly, so that report shows all components needed for that assembly and all its subassemblies
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    Add better accounting for machine and machine hours

    Add better accounting for machine and machine hours (instead of labor hours) to routers and WO transaction entry
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    Allow Items on a Bill to have a fixed quantity per bill rather than ...

    Currently there is no way to have a single unit per Work Order. There is a kludge to issue some small portion of that and then have the systems scale the partial units ...
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    Bill of Material Production Order Entry function

    Create a Bill of Material Production Order Entry function, with an Order Date, Planned Production date, etc, similar to Purchase Order. Include it in MRP and inventory ...
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    Allow printing detailed MRP report by vendor then by item number.

    The current MRP report only allows printing by item number. The MRP action by vendor report does not provide the detail necessary to make actual decisions about item ...
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    Improve "Integer Units of Measure" Feature in BOM

    Provide rounding options (Always Up, Always Down, or Closest Integer) instead of always going to closest integer. The manufacturing process can sometimes utilize items ...
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    Add "Costed Work Order" Report

    Provide a report, similar to the Costed Bill of Materials Report in the BM module, that would provide an audit listing of all cost inputs for a manufactured item, ...
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    Change the MRP module so that when you follow it's recommendation to make purchases to replenish stock (not SO or WO demand, but IM reorder point demand) it will not ...
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    Enhance Inventory to Store Detailed Costing Information

    Store the labor, material, OH+Burden cost elements separately for manufactured items in inventory so that a user could drill into an item OH and see, for example, that an ...
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    Bin locations

    The bin location has been moved to the reorder screen. That and the vendor price schedules are now hard to find and cumbersome to click to. Let's move them back to ...
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    receipt of invoice register show invoice total regardless of PO #

    If an invoice is received with multiple PO's involved, separate totals are created based on the PO number. There should be an option to print the report with totals by ...
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    Batch dissasambly option in Bill of Materials

    There should be a batch dissasambly option in Bill of Materials Dissasambly, Like in Production to avoid the conflict of two or more people dissasambling at the same ...
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    component requirement report indented not accurately calculating ...

    More than one unit, will not accurately calculate quantitys required.
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    WO- Complete to WO option should automatically issue the material to ...

    In WO transaction entry, the user is given the option to complete to either scrap, Inventory, SO or WO. Regardless of the choice, the completed parts post to inventory. ...
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    Automatically create work order from sales order

    If a "make" item is entered in a sales order, once "Accept" is clicked, have a pop up to ask if you want to automatically create a work order.
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    purge item history by warehouse code

    The ability to purge item history by warehouse code. Customer would like to ability to select the warehouse code that he wants to remove the item history from instead of ...
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    Add a seasonal factor (by month) to MRP Calculations

    Most businesses are somewhat seasonal. We need the ability to set up our reorder points (minimum stocking levels) to be different for certain months of the year. In ...
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    When you run production entry out of BOM, have the inventory items ...

    Want to be able to have the items in a bill pull from different warehouses in MAS. So, either allow us to assing the warehouse we want the item to pull from, or have it ...
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    Inventory Maintenance Import Images

    On Version 4.1 when you Browse for a Item Image anywher on your Computer, the system will make a copy of the image in the mas90\Image\"Company Code" folder but on Version ...