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    Add Role so Customer Credit Limit screen can be by-passed, but ...

    Want user to see what current balances are while entering orders. but need security to enter order for any Customers on Credit Hold. Credit Limit is just a guideline
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    autopopulate PO Address telehpone and fax from Vendor telephone and ...

    Carry over the telephone and fax numbers from the Vendor Maintenance screen into the Vendor Purchase Address record (as you do the address info!).
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    Enhance/Fix RMA Business Framework to utilize Invoice UDF's

    RMA Entry often references Sales Order invoice information, which may contain UDF's that originated from the Sales Order module. Access to these UDF's is unavailable, ...
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    Auto Generate Sales Orders from Master/Repeating Orders Should ...

    In 4.4 the issue was resolved where you could not select by SO Header UDFs. But even in 4.4, if you auto generate orders, SO header UDFs do not get populated in the ...
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    Sales Order Data Entry Unit Cost should use Cost Hierarchy for the ...

    The gross profit margin displayed and the warning for it are not accurate when using FIFO valuation method.
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    Ability to change the color of any field description so it catches the ...

    This would be helpful for required field during data entry so the field is not skipped. This would be a great feature globally for all data entry screens. Ex: We ...
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    Quote features should include ability to have headers and totals ...

    This will allow the customer to have more than one option to choose from.
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    Quote forms should be set up for proper case

    The quotation would look professional when presenting to a customer without the upper case fields required in MAS200
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    Default for invoice number already used should be cancel

    In S/O invoice data entry when the popup screen "Invoice number is already used would you like to accept?" appears the tab default should be at Cancel not OK.
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    A/R Trial Balance should have a selection option for date range

    In selection criteria date range should be available
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    Ability to print S/O Invoices in a batch in Alphabetical Order

    In S/O Invoice Printing you currently have the option of printing in Invoice or Warehouse order. Please add Alphabetical Order by customer name to these options.
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    A/R Original Totals Dialog Box should show invoice balance not total ...

    When adjusting a processed invoice prior to version 4.1 the Totals Dialog box appears displaying the Invoice Balance. It now just shows the Invoice Total. If a payment ...
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    Quotes Reports should include GPM per line and also total of quote

    Sales staff would like to review quotes and see the GPM for each line item and also the total of the quote.
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    Allow security function for entry of Quotes without access to Sales ...

    I would like a security feature so that an employee has the ability to enter a Quote but cannot enter, change or update a Sales Order. This should also include a ...
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    In Item Maintenance and Item Inquiry- Transactions Tab -PO add the ...

    When looking at the PO's for a part number it would be beneficial to see which customer the Dropship PO was for so we know which PO to drill down.
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    Add Hidden Field for Comments in Lines tab of Sales Order Entry for ...

    Add a field called "Hidden" to the lines grid in Sales Order/Quote and Invoice. If the field is checked for that line then we can have it suppressed on the Crystal forms ...
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    When "Quick Print Without Displaying Printing Window" is checked in ...

    Would like the ability to have sales orders printed with the "Multi-Part Form Enabled" capabilities. Presently it only prints one page.
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    Need ability to delete single items from sales promotion

    After a sales promotion is applied to all/group of items, there is no way to delete the sales promotion from a single item. You have two choices - edit the sales ...
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    Invoice multiple sales orders for National Account Bill To on one ...

    Need revision to the new feature in 2018.4 to combine multiple sales orders onto one shipment/invoice. For national accounts, the customer number on the sales order is ...
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    Salesperson Commission Report

    For Salesperson Commission Report, add in the capability to print the Terms Discount Invoice Amounts. Was formerly a feature in the Extended Solution, AR-1192. Client ...