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    Update Bom component description when item description changes

    When an Item description is updated or changed, if that Item is in any bom, the description does not change. They should always be equal since they are the same part ...
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    Bring email address into sage payment solutions

    Sage Payment Solutions allows confirmation emails to be sent to customers, but it does not bring in the email address from either the sales order, invoice, or the ...
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    Allow sales order memos to automatically display in shipping data ...

    One of the most useful locations for sales order memos is to alert shipping personnel to info they need to process shipment. This now either requires a comment in the ...
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    Enable the cancel print button

    When a report is spooling you get a box the tells you the report is spooling and what page it is at. There is a cancel button - but if you click on the button nothing ...
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    AP: Add new payment types EFT & ACH options to AP Manual Check Entry

    Don't have different options currently for different types of payments that banks allow. It would be nice to identify EFT & ACH payments as such. Right now I label them ...
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    Show Login date and time in master console

    Bring back the date an time the user launched the program.
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    credit card payments not included in customer cash receipts history

    There is a field in AR_CustomerSalesHistory that keeps track of cash received for each customer by year/fiscal period. The problem is that is does NOT COUNT any money ...
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    Make year end IRD and Tax Table Update (TTU) company specific

    The year end IRD and TTU are currently installed as global files on all versions, 3.7x to 4.4. They should be installable as company specific files. For 2011, as an ...
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    Check Available Quantity on Kit items exploded on the sales order

    When a kit item is entered on a sales order and the components explode, there is no alert when a component is not available, and the user must check every line manually. ...
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    Vendor Auto Complete should exclude inactive vendors

    When entering an invoice and you type in the first couple letters of the vendor name, the vendor auto complete feature should exclude vendors that you have made inactive
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    Ability to perform a net to gross calculation in Sage MAS 90 and 200.

    Ability to bonus up a check in order to pay an employee an agreed upon amount.
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    Paperless Office - Warning

    Can you please get rid of the warning when you go into Viewer that says "additional records can be displayed, do you want to continue?" OF COURSE I want to continue, you ...
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    Increase number of characters in the sales order number field.

    We issue our sales order numbers from our route log books beginning with a letter designating the division and then the job number which has reached 100,000 so we do not ...
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    Administrators and selected users should be able to correct typos or ...

    I would like to have the ability to correct typos or to enter missing information in A/R and A/P transactions after they are posted. The files are a database, and there ...
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    Allow the creation of multiple Vendor Remit To Addresses

    Many companies have multiple Remit-To addresses and it would be helpful to store these in MAS.
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    Ability to print S/O Invoices in a batch in Alphabetical Order

    In S/O Invoice Printing you currently have the option of printing in Invoice or Warehouse order. Please add Alphabetical Order by customer name to these options.
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    Ability to change the warehouse code in PO Receipt of Goods

    The ability to receive a certain item against a specific warehouse, for example a damaged goods warehouse on the fly in Receipt of Goods, without having to change the ...
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    Add Shipping Tracking Number to Purchase Order

    In Purchase Order it would be great to have a field for the Tracking Number available for a couple of reasons. 1. To be able to have the tracking number available ...
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    Option to restrict posting date to the subsidiary ledger per module by ...

    Clients would like to be able to restrict the users ability to enter a document date such as the invoice date in AP or AR, receipt date in PO receipts etc. They would ...
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    Allow entering multiple GL accounts when posting a Bank Rec adjustment ...

    With Update 3, you can now enter a GL account in Bank Rec when entering an adjustment and update the GL. However, you can only enter one GL account per adjustment. If ...