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    Add batch to AP Generate ACH File

    Please add Batch Number to the Select Field section in Generate ACH File. If there are multiple batches with the same Effective and Transmission Dates, you cannot select ...
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    accounts payable data entry ability to change invoice number during ...

    Accounts Payable Data Entry Prior to Update. Upon review of entry, notice that vendor invoice number was entered incorrectly. It would be nice to be able to correct the ...
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    Add spell check and rich text to SO Line Item Text/Extended Text ...

    Spell checking was added to other notes and fields, however the descriptions that end up on PO's and SO's that go to Vendors and Customers don't have spell correction. ...
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    Task scheduler option for first/last day of month or specific day

    Customer would like to be able to use Task Scheduler to email report at EOM or on the 15th of each month. There is an option for Monthly and Last, but you need to ...
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    Support for Drag & Drop

    It can be implemented for the entire panel or via a specialized control. If Sage could accept and run a script on dropped files then that would vastly help improve many ...
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    Consolidate identical item numbers on pick sheet

    Right now, if an item is on the sales order twice under two different kits, it will print on two separate lines on the pick sheet. There should be a "consolidate ...
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    Auto-generate UPS return label in RMA Entry

    Similar to the Xpress Sales Order button in RMA Entry, there should be an "Xpress UPS Return Label" button. It should be attached to our UPS account number so that it ...
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    Add restocking fees to drop ship returns in RMA module

    We need restocking fees to be calculated for drop ship returns in the RMA module!
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    Recalculate price on SO by line

    Sometimes we enter a sales order and either have to update cost/price on an item, or find out that the item hasn't been received or is incorrectly listed at 0 quantity ...
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    I would like to have the ability to mark a PO as confirmed by the vender along with a memo with the confirmation. Then When running reports, I can sort based on whether ...
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    Customizer Button Scripts to Add "Job" Linking

    Similarly to Visual Integrator, button scripts should be able to add a linked script upon it's completion in Sage 100 or any other Sage product that uses a server/client ...
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    Fix Accounts Payable Visual Process Flow

    The AP Visual Process Flow shows the following: Enter Invoice - Payment - Process Payment - Post It is missing Post Invoice. It should be: Enter Invoice - Post Invoice - ...
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    Documents Date (period) vs Updated Date (period)

    There should be a report in Sage that runs through all G/L transactions that will show you any transctions where the documents date , invoice date etc is in a different ...
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    Add check box to allow or not allow items to be used in bills of ...

    Add ability of a product line of items that cannot be used in bills of material
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    Enable Global Temp Variables for VI Imports

    One of VI's biggest headaches for us is that we cannot automatically import cash receipts due to a single data field: the BatchNo. This is due to the requirement that VI ...
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    Rename Tasks in Modules

    I believe that some of the tasks within Sage 100 should be renamed. For example, Daily Transaction Register. Many users have no idea what that means. It should be ...
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    Move Items from one product line to another and create GL entry

    With having the ability to change an items product line after the item has been created and has inventory, if the product line changes, the system should be able to ...
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    IRP Ability to Split Need Into Multiple Jobs

    In IRP, have the ability to split a line into its economic order quantities. For scheduling purposes, we can not run a very large order all at once, so we need to break ...
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    Sage 100 ADV/Premium Fills in Port # During Workstation Setup

    Currently when running Workstation setup with Sage 100 Advanced or Premium, it fills in default port '10000' for the user to either accept or change. How about ...
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    Add payment type to Invoice Selection Screen

    when reviewing the listed invoices to be paid, please add a column for "Payment Type" Check or ACH.