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    Paperless W2 Copy D printing for employer

    State and Federal W2s are filed electronically. Add the ability to print a paperless W2 Copy D for Employer records.
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    Job Transaction detail report should include vendor name

    The job transaction detail report shows only PO numbers to identify the transaction. No normal person is likely to recall what vendor is associated with a PO number which ...
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    W-2 print is to small.

    The print on the W-2 needs to be a larger font. We had a service company stuff and apply postage to our W-2's this year and because of the print size we had to pay $.04 ...
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    Please add ability to calculate double time in Time Card

    Time card has an overtime option but not a double time option.
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    Search invoice history by Job Number

    You should be able to search invoice history by Job Number. The Job number field shows up on the Open Invoices tab, but not in the Invoice History tab. You should also ...
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    Be able to re-open a job once it is closed

    Have the ability to re-open a job once it is closed. Sometimes costs come up after the fact that need to be added to get a true cost for the job.
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    Expand the Job number field in Job Cost

    Expand the Job Number field in Job Cost beyond 7 characters
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    Require confirmation of paperless office password

    When you enter an employee paperless office password, require that it be entered twice to verify that it was entered correctly. If you type the employee SSN incorrectly, ...
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    Job Cost memos should be available to display

    Make Job Cost memos available to display during data entry in any integrated program. Upgrading Job Cost to the business framework would probably include this, but if ...
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    Allow import into the PR_EmployeeDocuments folder. When setting up ...

    Currently, when setting employees up for electronic delivery of Direct Deposit stubs, the e-mail address and delivery method must be manually entered into the Paperless ...
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    Print and efile 1099R

    Have the capability to print and efile form 1099R
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    Be able to Select more Box 14 Codes in eFiling & Reporting

    Through Federal eFiling & Reporting there is a section that lets you enter your W2 Box 14 Selections...but you can only choose two Misc Earnings Codes and two Misc ...
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    Auto tax table downloads & popup to install.

    Tax table updates should be automatically downloaded and then alert users (who have permission) that an update is ready to install. Better yet, the payroll system should ...
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    Make year end IRD and Tax Table Update (TTU) company specific

    The year end IRD and TTU are currently installed as global files on all versions, 3.7x to 4.4. They should be installable as company specific files. For 2011, as an ...
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    two page direct deposit stubs should have same stub number

    When printing direct depost stubs, if you have more than one page stub, the stub number should be the same on both pages. How it works now is that the second stub ...
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    track combined Roth 401k and 401k amounts so they do not exceed limit

    Since the Roth 401k deduction is taxed...the same deduction code for the regular 401k cannot be used...however, the limit which is set cannot exceed the combination of ...
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    We would like to have the option of printing the Job Cost Code Detail ...

    The Job Cost Code Detail Report only prints information through the period you are in. Because Job Cost closeout lags behind Payroll processing and Accounts Payable ...
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    Add ability to generate RV records in the EFW2 file in Electronic ...

    RV record is the state total record. Currently Electronic Reporting doesn't include RV records in the EFW2 files that are generated out of MAS90 Electronic Reporting ...
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    Link PR employees with AR customer's for detailed tracking of employee ...

    At resorts, restaurants and retail establishments, employees are often customers, receiving discounts for products. We should be able to link the employee to a customer, ...
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    Job Cost JC3 file does not follow the normal MAS90/200 naming ...

    When doing a direct cost entry, the field for Date in the line segment can be any date and does not have to be the posting date. When the transaction is updated, the line ...