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    Merge miscellaneous items

    A utility in 4.40 that will allow you to merge miscellanous items that were created on migration, with the item # -1. THe PO items and the SO items are the same item, ...
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    In A/P Repetitive Data Entry, be able to use the Vendor's invoice ...

    If the invoice number from the Vendor's invoice could be entered, it would less confusing to the vendor and reduce phone calls to verify what is being paid.
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    Improve Purchase Order Automatic Reorder Selection

    PO automatic Reorder should be based on quantity available (or at the least, make that an option in setup). Currently, if there is an open sales order or work orderthat ...
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    Ship To Security separate from Customer Maintenance Security

    The abiility to create and modify ShipTo locations should be a separate security option from the Customer Maintenance setting. Many companies want their salespeople to ...
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    Excel import and/or cut & paste capability desired

    It would help to be able to cut and paste (or import) columns of information from Excel into MAS order entry grid fields. Occassionally a salesperson inputs lists of ...
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    Add BR integration for processing CC payments in AR Cash Receipts

    Need to have CC payments via AR Cash Receipts also post to BR. Currently this type of transaction post to AR and GL but not BR. In order to get the receipt into BR, you ...
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    Please return the ability to change standard costs at any time.

    Add this ability back to the systm Please!!!. This is critical to so many of my clients
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    When running a report have the ability to select multiple items, not ...

    When selecting criteria while running a report, the only options are an individual item, a specified range, or is or is not equal to. It would be nice to have the i.e. ...
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    The ability to search GL accounts while keeping one or some of the ...

    Similar how you can run a report with for a range of Main Account numbers, but you can specify just one of the additional segments, enlist the same functionality to ...
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    StarShip Declared Value Incorrect

    While the documentation states that Cost of Goods Sold (or COGS plus Markup) will be passed to StarShip as the package Declared Value for insurance purposes, zero cost is ...
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    allow multiple lines to be deleted off a sales order or invoice at a ...

    To have the option to select several lines at a time to be deleted off a sales order or invoice.
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    Add ability to get fields from PO detail in PO receipt detail object, ...

    If you need the info in Purchase Order, chances are you need it in receipts, especially since that is the "history" file.
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    SO Invoicing - ability to expense freight by warehouse instead of ...

    Distribution companies may track all costs and revenues by the warehouse. Customers within different divisions may purchase from multiple warehouses. In order to track ...
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    AP Analysis aged by Due Date not Invoice Date.

    AP Analysis currently ages by invoice date therefore showing invoies in the 60 day column when they may not be due for 3 months.
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    Credit Holds should flag you in Cash Receipts

    When entering checks their should be a flag of some kind letting you know this customer is on credit hold. Then if the payment received resolves the past due status you ...
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    Credit Card Pre Authorizing Improvements

    1. MAS should have a pop up confirmation that you really want to pre-authorize the customer's credit card. If your not finished entering the order or it's shipping at a ...
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    End Crystal while reading records.

    In previous versions prior to 10, if you selected not to use server for speed in the report options, you could could stop the report while Crystal was reading the ...
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    Create check box to mark employee as qualified under the new hire act

    For those employees who qualify under the new hire act, we should be able to check a box in the employee masterfile identifying them to the system so that it can properly ...
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    Print the Sales Order number on the Salesperson Commission Report.

    When I am verifying that the commission percentage is accurate, I have to go into Sales Order Invoice History Inquiry, enter the invoice# to see the S/O#. I then need to ...
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    autopopulate PO Address telehpone and fax from Vendor telephone and ...

    Carry over the telephone and fax numbers from the Vendor Maintenance screen into the Vendor Purchase Address record (as you do the address info!).