• Votes


    SO Invoicing - ability to expense freight by warehouse instead of ...

    Distribution companies may track all costs and revenues by the warehouse. Customers within different divisions may purchase from multiple warehouses. In order to track ...
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    AP Analysis aged by Due Date not Invoice Date.

    AP Analysis currently ages by invoice date therefore showing invoies in the 60 day column when they may not be due for 3 months.
  • Planned


    Credit Holds should flag you in Cash Receipts

    When entering checks their should be a flag of some kind letting you know this customer is on credit hold. Then if the payment received resolves the past due status you ...
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    Credit Card Pre Authorizing Improvements

    1. MAS should have a pop up confirmation that you really want to pre-authorize the customer's credit card. If your not finished entering the order or it's shipping at a ...
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    End Crystal while reading records.

    In previous versions prior to 10, if you selected not to use server for speed in the report options, you could could stop the report while Crystal was reading the ...
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    Create check box to mark employee as qualified under the new hire act

    For those employees who qualify under the new hire act, we should be able to check a box in the employee masterfile identifying them to the system so that it can properly ...
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    Print the Sales Order number on the Salesperson Commission Report.

    When I am verifying that the commission percentage is accurate, I have to go into Sales Order Invoice History Inquiry, enter the invoice# to see the S/O#. I then need to ...
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    autopopulate PO Address telehpone and fax from Vendor telephone and ...

    Carry over the telephone and fax numbers from the Vendor Maintenance screen into the Vendor Purchase Address record (as you do the address info!).
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    Add the ability to group emails by customer when sending out forms to ...

    Add the ability to group emails by customer when sending out forms to vendors / customers using Paperless Office in MAS 90 / MAS 200. If you are sending 5 invoices to one ...
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    Ability to disregard the "Check for Quantity on Hand" Sales Order ...

    Ability to disregard the "Check for Quantity on Hand" Sales Order Options setting when entering a quantity for an item on a sales quote in Sales Order Entry for Sage MAS ...
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    Allow Filters in Sage MAS EES CRM Relationship Wizard

    Provide the ability to enter selection criteria when running the CRM Relationship Wizard. For example, if a company has been on MAS for many years, they may not want ...
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    Add the ability to Delete/Renumber/Merge for Miscellaneous Items or ...

    I look after several companies' books and we all have the same types of items to bill however, the staff in each area have set up different codes for the same items. ...
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    BOM requirements reports

    Have the ability to move the warehouse code from the secondary to the primary grid.
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    Customer Deposit Accounts by Division

    Allow the Customer Deposit Account to be set by division rather than globally for a single account.
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    Date Sensative Work In Process

    Would love to be able to see Work In Process 'AS OF' much like the AR/AP Trail Balance reports.
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    Include vendor fax number on purchase order form

    Add the vendor fax number to the data table used to print Purchase Orders. Currently this field is not available.
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    When "Quick Print Without Displaying Printing Window" is checked in ...

    Would like the ability to have sales orders printed with the "Multi-Part Form Enabled" capabilities. Presently it only prints one page.
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    Add ability to have the Mas90/Mas200 automatically designate ...

    Make customers with no activity for a few years as "inactive."
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    Ability to reverse credit card vendor transfers in Sage MAS 90 and 200

    To reverse credit card payment transfers made to the credit card vendor. For example, we have certain vendors (office Max, Staples, Costco, etc.) set up as credit card ...
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    Take off the seven letter specification in receivables!

    If I enter more than 7 letters, it will not allow it...you actually have to count the letters as you put them in so you do not go over the limit...a real time ...