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    Ability to perform a net to gross calculation in Sage MAS 90 and 200.

    Ability to bonus up a check in order to pay an employee an agreed upon amount.
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    ability to print off vendor list of only those vendors utilized in the ...

    Over the years, quite a vendor list is accumulated...need to know which vendors are current and which can be deleted...would be nice to see a report listing those vendors ...
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    Allow data entry user to specify where comments will appear when ...

    The current "memo feature" in MAS is OK, but often times not flexible enough for day to day operations. During the SO data entry process, you often use comment codes to ...
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    Ability to index UDF fields and other non-key fields for faster ALE ...

    We have several UDF's that we need fast access to for our customer service representitves who have customers on the phone. ALE look up takes 3 to 4 minutes to provide ...
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    Keep rebuild key files window open after running one module.

    When one module is run in rebuild sort files, the window remains open to do another module. The rebuild key files window does not stay open after running one module.
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    Make it possible to drill down to the invoices entered or journal ...

    This is needed in FRX to drill down to the detail level. Even quickbooks does this. You should be able to do this in MAS 90
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    When viewing invoices entered or journal entries it would be much ...

    Instead of always changing it to be able to view on screen. It would be a time saver to have each user be able to set their preferences. This is true in accts payable ...
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    In vendor maintenance it is necessary to print the history for a ...

    You cant do this currently it prints the entire list. When reconciling statements, it would be very helpful to download or print just that vendor not the entire list.
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    When you download general ledger reports to excel, i.e. trial balance ...

    Download gen ledger detail or the trial balance, the heading doesnt stay over the column correctly. If it is a report you want to save, you have to fix the column ...
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    Security feature for paying AP invoices that are on hold

    Security feature for paying AP invoices that are on hold similar to the customer SO order hold which is controlled by a security setting. Clients are starting to use ...
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    Fix the Inventory Reorder Report to show the Last Receipt Date when ...

    Currently, if an item has a Last Receipt Date but a Last Cost of .00 the date does not show. Here is a quote from a client. We inventory hundreds items in inventory at ...
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    In Bank reconciliation have a quick clear box so you can enter the ...

    This way we can enter the cheques right off the bank statement or online.
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    Change the Inventory Reorder Report to show the "Last Receipt Date" ...

    Currently, if an item has a Last Receipt Date but a Last Cost of .00 the date does not show. Here is a quote from a client. We inventory hundreds items in inventory at ...
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    Automate AP invoice reversals

    Ok, I'm not perfect and I sometimes post AP invoices that need to be reversed in their entiretly. The only way I know to do this is to enter a new invoice in reverse ...
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    Make Electronic Reporting for W-2s compliant for the City of Columbus, ...

    Ability to generate an electronic W-2 file for the City of Columbus (OH) local withholding that doesn't have to be altered to comply with their state guidelines.
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    Posting Control Group / Module Posting Mode

    MAS200 posting routines need exclusive access to required files. But would it make sense (or at least make life easier) to be able to push a button to put a module into ...
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    Add Distributions tables to PO line items

    We have many "items" that muliple departments use. Currently you can only attach one G/L account to each item which means you still have to split out a line item on a PO ...
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    Document Management

    Organize all your business documents in one place. Attach electronic documents to any customer, vendor, employee, account, or transaction.
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    Purchase Description in Inventory Management

    Add a field to allow for Purchase Description in Inventory Management. Ideally this could also be vendor specific as an option.
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    Decimal precision expansion through out the system

    Increase decimal precision to at least 6 through out the system