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    AR Invoice History Report. Drop down for Sales Order Number. Use the ...

    Lookup needs to look at Invoice Hitory File. Not Live Sales order file
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    Customer Credit Card Payments Post Directly to Credit Card Processor's ...

    When posting a credit card payment via the Cash Receipts function in MAS 200, add a check box that would cause automatic posting of the cash receipt to the customer's ...
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    Change IM/SO/Po Unit of measure to 9 places

    some us would like to run a number only system for u/m, at the currect time, 10,000,000 has to be 10m and others fall into this same problem, try to write a crystal ...
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    Add Special Order And Non-Stock to the Product types in IM

    There need to be moe choice in the product types to handle real world inventory
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    Bring back Report Master

    It was a quick and easy way to write simple reports for everyday use or a specific one time function. Especially when you need to pull specific data items into a report. ...
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    Global search across all master records simultaneously.

    For example, be able to have one search entry that would search a name/description simultaneously of customer name, vendor name, item description, employee name, etc. ...
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    'Update Cart' button in EBM Shopping Cart

    Add in an additional "update' button to EBM shopping cart page. This is necessary when a customer makes additions or deletions to web cart before proceeding to order ...
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    Able to see original vendor when an invoice is transferred to a credit ...

    If you transfer an invoice to the credit card, you cannot go back at a later date to see who the original vendor was or even the original general ledger account. This ...
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    Suggestions for Improving the AR Invoice Entry program

    Time to beef up the AR invoice Entry program. While I understand the goal is to not make it exactly like the SO invoice entry program, it does deserve some renovations ...
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    Ability to correct the "Qty in Shipping" field in inventory inquiry

    There needs to be a way to recalc the "qty in shipping" field in inventory inquiry. This should be apart of the sales order rebuild sort files.
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    Add option to purge salesperson commission after printing the report.

    It would be nice to be able to purge the salesperson commission after seeing the printed Salesperson Commission Report versus going in to the Salesperson Commission Purge ...
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    Ability to see what is being shipped from Sales Order Entry or Inquiry ...

    Currently when inquiring on a Sales Order which is being shipped, the message comes up that "This order is currently being shipped". It would be helpful to be able to ...
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    Customer payment portal for ebiz

    Allow customers to pay invoice by credit card or e-check within the ecommerce module. Be part of .inquiry of open invoices. User selects invoice and then can put ...
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    Include linking to Misc Charge table in Visual Integrator for BOM

    In Versions 4.3 and earlier, Visual Integrator does not allow the ability to populate the Misc Charge fields using File Assign to the Misc Charge table. This requires ...
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    Quick Look Up

    When you do a look up (using F2), the next time you do a look up in that menu, the cursor goes to the last item you looked up. That way if you are looking up multiple ...
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    AR Global Field Change - allow a "Change To" to Salesperson to be ...

    Scenario: client migrates to EES, turns on Salesperson Commission reporting, and wants to assign salesperson codes to customers. The field is blank at this point. If ...
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    Allow On the Fly Editing of Lines Created when Exploding Kit Items on ...

    Provide ability to add or subtract kit lines for Exploded Kits on SO entry. Currently, you can add and delete line. However, those modified lines are not linked back to ...
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    Allow multiple deposits and Deposit Types to a Sale Order or Invoice

    We have many cases where a customer might want to put a large deposit on a sales order with one Credit Card but tell us to charge a different card for the balance. Some ...
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    paperless office migration utility

    There needs to be an upgrade utility for 4.3-4.4 upgrades to migrate paperless office data files and PDFs (without having to go in and move each and every document) and ...
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    Have Print and Update messages different enough to catch the eye when ...

    There are so many messages re do you want to print, do you want to update… it would be great if they were different enough to catch the eye when reading quickly – like ...