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    The need to reverse a credit note when it has been applied to the ...

    The need to reverse a credit note on an AR account when it has been applied to the wrong invoice.
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    Improvement to Sage 300 Web Screens

    The new Sage 300 Web Screens include some unfavorable features. Here are a list of feature improvements that should be included with the Web Screens so that the product ...
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    PO Receipt Entry should in batch form like A/P allowing corrections ...

    PO Receipt Entry should be exactly like A/P Invoice Entry. As it stands, there is no opportunity to step away from your work, come back and check for errors (with a ...
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    Partially applied Receipts, applied more than one time thru apply ...

    AR Receipt -> Receipt: AR Receipt Amount = Applications against Invoices + Receipt on Account. Receipt on Account is stored against the AR Receipt and can be applied to ...
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    To not allow concurrent login using the same user ID on different ...

    Same user ID should not be used to access the application at the same time into different workstation for licensing control. The system should have a capability to check ...
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    AR/AP batch finder by user

    Find Created batches within A/R and A/P modules.
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    IC Sales statistics location shifter

    In IC sales statistics there is no shifter button to move quickly between the locations - only a search tool
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    Be able to print a Credit Note from Customer Inquiry the same way an ...

    When a customer calls for a copy, I have to go to OE forms to print the Credit Note instead of being able to print it directly from Customer Inquiry.
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    Allowing Notes to work even when your screen resolution is larger than ...

    Allowing Notes to work even when your screen resolution is larger than 100% (medium or larger text). Currently the screen is malformed on anything but Smaller resolution ...
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    PJC - Create Revenue Recognition Worksheet by job Status

    Would like to be able to run revenue recognition worksheet for contracts based on status.
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    Web API enhancements - Access to Optional Fields table

    With the Web API, we need to get access to CSOPTFH and CSOPTFD so an endpoint on those tables/views would be really useful. Sometimes things are stored in there for ...
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    Font colours

    Within our inventory control section when there are different types of stock, eg. purchased and consignment. It would be an advantage to have each group of stock in ...
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    Sage HRMS Marital Status

    In Sage HRMS, please allow modification of the Marital Status codes. In Canada, we refer to Domestic Partnerships as Common Law spouses.
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    Names at the top of Demographics Page in Sage HRMS are Truncated.

    It should display Nickname and Last Name instead of using First Middle and Last. This would exceed the 22 characters allotted less frequently
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    1099 Form - Request for Enhancement

    The 1099 Form does not currently allow you to create a corrected 1099 electronic filing. When you upload a corrected file to the IRS Fire site, it needs to have G or C ...
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    Single XML file for multiple web screens customization

    In the current version of Web Screen SDK it is possible to customize screens one-by-one, which means to prepare a separate XML file for each screen to be customized. Is ...
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    Ability to add notes to an A/P invoice even after it is paid

    Sometimes a vendor invoice is not only posted but already paid by the time we realize that some important information on it was entered incorrectly. Although for audit ...
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    E-mail Message Based on Customer Group

    It'd be nice if the message chosen during e-mail would allow you to change your greeting based on customer type. That way you could have a custom message for each ...
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    Identifying Active Modules by Prefix and Version

    If there are two versions of the same SDK module (let’s say RD64C and RD64D) installed, and web screens are introduced as part of one of them, the menu items (defined in ...
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    Sage 300 2017 Webscreen

    The ability to change the number of detail lines in Webscreens. Currently we can only view 10 lines at a time.