• Completed

    Bank Rec

    Add A select range in the bank reconciliations so you can clear a range of checks not each one individually.
  • Completed

    Reverse checks by Check # or Check Date

    Instead of forcing users to reverse checks one-by-one, it sure would be nice to be able to reverse them by Check Date and/or Check Number. To do this via Manual Check ...
  • Completed

    Need the What's New PU 6 breakdown (details) like PU 5, 3, 2 and 1

    Where is the What's New PU 6 breakdown (details) like PU 5? Not on the web site nor within MAS90/200 - Resources - What's New - Product Updates - Latest Updates *Version ...
  • Completed

    Production Management Raw Material and Finished Goods Lot Traceability

    Need to be able to have raw material recall completed in 2 hours and notify the customer that received the FG product from the RM that was recalled. The Customer Lot ...
  • Completed

    Installed module report no showing full version installed for New ...

    Since the new Sage 100 Payroll has come out, the installed module report does not show the full version number installed. It Currently only shows V.VV when the version ...
  • Completed

    AP Vendor v2020 - when delete a vendor, the remit to addres record is ...

    When you re-use a vendor number that had been deleted, it brings up the remit to address from the prior vendor and doesn't take you to the remit to address screen to let ...
  • Completed

    Vendor Maintenance - 1099 - Separate tab

    Please create a separate tab for 1099 information to expand on the 1099 detail. The Vendor name and address associated with a Vendor Number shouldn't need to be the 1099 ...
  • Completed

    Vendor Maintenance - 1099 - Add "Not 1099 vendor" option

    Please add a "Not 1099 vendor" option under 1099 Vendor Type. Since the default is None, there is no way to cross-check and verify the vendor's W-9 has been received and ...
  • Completed

    Turning off extended item description box, and negative quantity pop ...

    While putting a sales order in you have to hit esc every time due to the extended item description box popping up , and also another time when you are showing a negative ...
  • Completed

    Turn on the print pick sheet flag when a backorder is created from a ...

    When a sales order is shipped partial and a backorder is created you should have the option of having the print pick sheet flag turn on automatically. Otherwise, users ...
  • Completed

    Streamline the process for completing a backordered purchase order.

    Greatly reduce the steps to setting a purchase order to a status of complete with backordered items or status.
  • Completed

    Retain deleted SO's in paperless viewer

    When a Sales Order is deleted, any associated record is also deleted from the CustomerPDFLog file, the pdf document is deleted from the paperless folder and the record ...
  • Completed

    Retain AP Vendor SSN / TID when flagging and unflagging 1099 vendors

    When you have a 1099 vendor and you unflag the vendor it deletes the SSN or TID number. If you re enable this vendor as 1099, the SSN does not come back but the dollar ...
  • Completed

    Results of Electronic Delivery

    After you print and electronically delivery invoices while in S/O Invoice Printing there is a window that pops up after the invoices are sent that gives very useless ...
  • Completed

    Record employee filing status changes for the payroll audit report

    Lots of different changes made to the Employee Maintenance fields display on the Payroll Audit report but not changes to the filing status. These changes need to be on ...
  • Completed

    Purge Audit Reports by date including PR Pay Rate Change

    We would like the ability to purge Audit Reports from any module and PR Pay Rate Change Report by date. Instead of it just being Yes or No to purge, have the ability to ...
  • Completed

    Have audit logs that include date and timestamps for any user ...

    Have audit logs that include date and timestamps for any user administration events such as userid creation, modification, and deletion.
  • Completed

    Add more search options in the Link Maintenance Utility

    When upgrading or moving Sage the Link Maintenance Utility works nicely to relink Paperless Office PDF's that are already moved. The problem is that if there are tens of ...
  • Completed

    Vendor audit of Remit To Address

    AP Vendor Audit does not track changes to the Remit To Address. This is a very important field to track as someone can embezzle from a company by changing the address to ...
  • Completed

    Vendor Electronic Payment Table Audit

    We need to track all additions/changes/deletions in the AP_VendorElectronicPayment table. With the increase in fraud, this is becoming more urgent in need.