• Completed

    Show PO Receipt of Invoice details in PO Receipt History Inquiry

    In PO Receipt History Inquiry and on the PO Receipt History Report, Receipt of Invoice transactions show only the totals. In order to view the invoiced quantities and ...
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    CM to invoices-we should be able to pull the invoice ad credit some or ...

    If we need to credit or void an invoice, we should be able to pull the invoice from the history and issue the Credit memo from the original invoice.
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    time track

    time track does not summarize the hours entered by day as the time card module previously did. Please fix this so it does. It makes it very difficult to know where to ...
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    summarize time track hours daily/weekly by earnings code (previously ...

    I have several entries per day per employee. They use vacation/sick/psl/regular/ot and other earnings codes on the same day occasionally. Currently, I have to keep a ...
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    include daily and weekly hours on the Time Track Punch in and out ...

    Our employees are use to looking at total hours for each week as this gives them a clue as to whether or not they are missing a punch or need to use LC hours to make up ...
  • Completed

    Accounting Period Warning on all data entry screens based on Critical ...

    One of the greatest nightmares for my clients is when they inadvertently post a large entry batch to the wrong GL date and then must reverse the batch. This could be ...
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    invoice date restrictions

    Have in either the module options or security to limit the range an invoice date can be. This would save a lot of mistakes by accounting clerks. it would be even better ...
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    In Customer Maintenance, why not have a field for Cell Phone numbers, ...

    I would like an area in Customer Maintenance to store Cell numbers, a lot of our customers are on the road and it is hard to get a hold of them at their office numbers.
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    Enlarge Phone Code field in Country Code Maintenance

    The current Phone Code field allows a maximum of three (3) spaces. This allows the users to enter the US "Exit code" only. It does not allow for the 2 or 3 digit Country ...
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    Lengthen phone extension field

    Now that Sage has changed to a phone system where the extensions are 6 digits, it would be great if the phone extension field in MAS90 was 6 digits instead of 5.
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    Expand the address fields on all forms. For Intl. shipping and ...

    Add more lines, and more characters. We ship internationally, and some of our customers in other countries have very long company names and addresses, that do not fit the ...
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    More space for Foreign Country Addresses

    We have clients that cannot fit the postal addresses for Mexico and other countries in the current Mas90 boxes. Maybe we need a free-form address box if you check that ...
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    Zip Code be flexible based upon the Country Code

    Having to enter a Zip Code when the Country Code is the UK can prove difficult at best. If the Zip Code filed were to "open up" to allow users to enter [for example] a UK ...
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    Expand the Customer Name beyond 30 characters

    We are having a hard time differentiating between customers with only the 30 characters allowed. For example, we have multiple "customers" at YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK ...
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    Ability to reverse an entire check run

    Create a utility with the ability to reverese an entire check run rather than having to input each check number individually.
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    Add manufactured and expiration dates to lots

    In many industries, to better track lots, it is necessary to know the date the lot was manufactured and the date it will expire. That information needs to be entered ...
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    Resolve problem where fields cannot be added to a grid for ...

    How it would be used: Allow UDF's to be added to grids for customization groups. I was surprised to find out that you cannot add UDF's to a grid if you have created the ...
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    Add the ability to setup the grid entry for all users the same way.

    Some companies like having all users' screens the same way. It would be nice to have an admin function, such as found in customizing the default lookups, for the grid ...
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    Allow deferred or scheduled updates to User defined tables and User ...

    Who would want this: Anyone who has to add UDFs and UDTs to modules that are typically in heavy use during normal business hours. Why its valuable: The changes to the ...
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    Ability to save Custom Office changes and update at a later time.

    When making changes to UDFs, if someone is in the system, you have to keep the screen open or cancel out and lose all the changes you have made. It would be beneficial ...