• Completed

    Hiding Modules in Role Maintenance

    Right now in Sage 100c, it shows the Tasks based on your ROLE. When the Distribution Bundle is activated, there is no way to hide PO and SO modules if you have access to ...
  • Completed

    Add a way to exclude user access to specific companies or groups of ...

    It is very difficult to set up security when you have many companies and users and you need to exclude specific users from specific companies. We have over 200 companies ...
  • Completed

    64 bit version of MAS / Sage ERP?

    Does Sage have plans to create a true 64-bit version of MAS / Sage ERP?
  • Completed

    Rebuild Search Index

    Add a checkbox to Company Maintenance to Include that company in the Rebuild Search Index. We have several customers with many backup or historical companies and it ...
  • Completed

    Visual Integrator Job Log

    Provide the ability to view just 'Records Failed' or 'Records with Invalid Fields' or 'Records Skipped'
  • Completed

    Live company copy protection

    Would love to see a check box in company maintenance that labels if a copy is a live production company or not and if it is when you try to copy over the live DB that you ...
  • Completed

    1099 NEC needs to be added to the Purchase Order module to replace ...

    When the 1099 Misc Box 7 was moved to the 1099 NEC, the ability to post non-employee compensation was lost because the 1099 NEC cannot be selected in the PO module.
  • Completed

    Government Quarterly Tax Report needs to be brought back

    We have several companies that have thresholds to meet in the calculation of unemployment taxes for the State of Alabama. I am sure that other states have these ...
  • Completed

    Digits available for check numbering

    The number of digits, six, that;s available for check numbering is inadequate. An increase to 9 digits would be very welcome.
  • Completed

    Increase check number field length

    Increase check number and electronic number field from 6 digits to 7 digits. Our numbers are repeating and it causes confusion.
  • Completed

    Create utility in AP to reverse the selection of checks for payment

    Please create a utility in AP to reverse the selection of checks for payment. Impact - high call driver, long, complex call. Analysts unable to take more calls due to ...
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    Bring back the ability to copy all forms from one company to another ...

    In older versions of MAS90, you always had the option to copy all custom Forms from one company to another when you were copying company data in Library Master. That ...
  • Completed

    Roles Maintenance - Add view of users in the role

    In roles maintenance it would be nice if we could see a view of all users that belong to that role, and even be able to add or remove the user from the role in roles ...
  • Completed

    Increase the length of check numbers in PR and AP

    6 characters is too small. Expand the field.
  • Completed

    Default Item Inquiry Transaction Date to ALL instead of Range

    Currently when you are looking at the Transactions tab in Inventory Inquiry or Maintenance the date is defauling to the current month. It would be benificial if it ...
  • Completed

    Purchases Clearing report should be Date Sensitive

    Purchases Clearing report can only be run "real Time" This report should be allow the user to run as of a prior period end. Sage gave us the abiltiy to run the inventory ...
  • Completed

    Utility to clear the "Paid Today" flag in AP_Open Invoice file for ...

    When it is not practical to use the Reinitialize Data Files task to clear the AP check entry files, it would be nice to have a utility for the end user to enter the ...
  • Completed

    When doing a credit memo that is linked to a previous invoice, have ...

    When doing a credit memo that is linked to a previous invoice, have the original cost of item being returned populated as cost of item being returned. This is necessary ...
  • Completed

    COPY ABILITY FOR CREDIT MEMOS (Sales Order module)

    Create the option to copy in an existing customer invoice to create a new credit memo. There are many times when we need to back out the whole invoice (from the Sales ...
  • Completed

    Provide backward and forward traceability of lot and serial numbers ...

    Provide backward and forward traceability of lot and serial numbers including those of components for manufactured items