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    Payroll 2.0 Check Register Other Taxes column should include ...

    Currently in Payroll 2.0, the Check Register's "Other Taxes" column does not include Local/City Withholding taxes. Instead the Local/City Withholding taxes are combined ...
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    Payroll 2.0 check register change to Portrait orientation

    With the switch to Payroll 2.0 the Check Register report now prints landscape instead of portrait to allow for additional fields and increased lengths. Please rearrange ...
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    time track does not allow me to change the WC code. My WC report is ...

    make time track more like time card that we have all been using for years
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    prevent deletion of active payroll deduction codes in 2018

    Client just deleted some old deduction codes that hadn't been used for a while but were still present in history or on the deductions tabs even though they aren't ...
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    ability to cc on a customer invoice email

    Need a second line for email addresses under customers - one that is for "cc". Many customers ask for a copy to be "cc" to another person. Currently, I just have to ...
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    Sage 2018 payroll reports are not acceptable.

    Sage 2018 payroll reports are not acceptable. In the prior version I was able to run a Pension Plan History report which included ALL employees, ALL hours paid, and ALL ...
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    Payroll Check History Report does not break out by earnings codes

    Currently the report will break out all regular and OT hours however if there are multiple earnings codes like vacation or sick time the report will take the total gross ...
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    E-mailed invoices with attachments

    We are attempting to start e-mailing/FAXing invoices to customers right from Sage 100. In some cases, we need to include additional documentation with the invoices, but ...
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    Automatically CC Invoices sent through Paperless to Salespeople.

    very simple check box in settings to not only send the paperless document to the customer, but to CC the salesperson associated with that order (taken from salesperson ...
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    attach documents to customer statements when emailing thru paperless ...

    It would be a great marketing tool to be able to attach a .pdf flyer or some other documents to the email message cover that goes out when emailing customer statements. ...
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    Bring Work Order into the Business Framework.

    Why are customers paying maintenance for Work Order if they ultimately aren't going to get an updated module? The modules need to be consistent.
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    AR Statement Printing from Period End Menu vs. Customer Maintenance!

    Many customers have different forms for different types of customers. Statement Printing Window in Period End Processing and in Customer Maintenance does not follow the ...
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    AP Invoice Report default aging by Due Date not Invoice Date.

    Default should be by due date in order to better tell what is outstanding
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    Customer Listing to include Ship To information

    Nowhere is this information available, other than creating a custom report. Seems this should be a standard report, NO?
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    Item Image Display Improvements

    We have images for almost all of our items and we need to look at them all the time. Just a few changes would make the item image on the Additional tab of Item Inquiry ...
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    Remove blank rows when exporting to Excel from standard financial ...

    There is a blank row between every row with data when exporting the standard financial reports to export. This is unnecessary and requires the user to use the ...
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    electronic delivery message maintenance

    Hello! I think it would be very helpful to be able to include the customer's PO in the Electronic Delivery Message Maintenance. All of our customers request this in the ...
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    physical count variance register should only show items with variance

    The Physical Count Variance Register should only show you items that have a variance - hence the name of the register. After counts have been entered or imported we ...
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    Accounting Date in Paperless Office is not the Posting Date

    In MAS90 3.71 this field in paperless Office was called the MAS90 Date and it was actually the posting date which was very useful and appropriate to search for ...
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    Accounting Date in Paperless -

    When you open up window in the Paperless feature, you have the ability to search by "accounting date". This works fine for all modules except General Ledger since the ...