• Completed

    Allow multiple email addresses in Payroll direct deposit section.

    Allow the direct deposit stubs to be emailed to more than one email address from the paperless office delivery options section.
  • Completed

    Allow multiple email addresses for emailing payroll stubs

    We have some employees who need their stubs emailed out to someone in addition to themselves such as a government agency.
  • Completed

    Job Maintenance Customer Number lookup

    It would be nice to have the customer number field perform an automatic lookup of the customer name typed into the field when entering a job into Job Maintenance. For ...
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    Ability to modify font in Paperless Office- Message Maintenance.

    It all prints at the old font without and bold or italic options. This looks outdated to send to customers with their invoice.
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    Employer Contributions should be added to the paystub

    Our employees would like to see the employer paid amounts for 401k and health insurance on their pay stubs. We were told this is not an option.
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    In the paperless office viewer, add a column for the 'posting date'.

    The accounting date might be the date the JE was entered in the system, but the posting date can be different from the accounting date. Would make finding differences ...
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    Payroll 2018 - Payroll Data Entry Lines should first stop at the 1st ...

    When entering new Payroll Data Entry and go to Lines tab, 2018 payroll stops at the 2nd line down but the old version first stop was the hours field on the first line. ...
  • Completed

    The ability to add Employer Contributions to Pay Stubs

    The ability to add Employer Contributions to Pay Stubs as only employee deductions show up in the Crystal forms tables.
  • Completed


    It would be nice to have an inventory zoom button for Physical count. Sometimes we count our raw material in feet and it's inventoried in pounds. So I need to convert the ...
  • Completed

    General Ledger Journal Entries in MAS90 Ver 4.4 post individual lines ...

    General Ledger Journal Entries in MAS90 Ver 4.4 post individual lines and seperate pdf for each entry. Allow all entries in batch to go into one pdf as in previous ...
  • Completed

    paperless office customizer access

    Allow the ability to modify the screens for Journal/Register Viewer and Report Viewer to permit user to change the order of columns. CTRL-F9 not available.
  • Completed

    Premium DFDM created by DSD Business should be adopted by Sage

    This is a free utility for all versions of Sage. Thank you DSD Business Systems. This makes finding files in DFDM so much faster. Sage should review and add to an ...
  • Completed

    Permission Audit History

    We'd like to allow multiple users to help maintain permissions for the various roles in our company. However, we'd also like an audit trail so we can see what has changed ...
  • Completed

    Expand email User ID field Authentication

    Currently in Library Master the User ID to Authenticate the email is 30 characters. Please expand the field to accomidate 40 characters. We have one client that has a ...
  • Completed

    Customer PO number in Paperless Office form

    When creating the Paperless Office form template for the Sales Order form it would be handy to be able to insert the customer's PO number.
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    Search for Employees by Name

    In AP, when you start typing a vendor name in the vendor number box, you can easily find the vendor. I would like to be able to do this for Employees also. In Employee ...
  • Completed

    Allow Rich Text Format or HTML formatting in the Electronic Delivery ...

    Currently Electronic Delivery Message Maintenance allows a text format default message to be sent as the default when delivering a form to a customer/vendor. In a ...
  • Completed

    PAPERLESS OFFICE - HTML BASED instead of Plain text (NO PDF option)

    In this day and age we should be able to send sales orders like many companies DO...IN HTML! PDF ATTACHMENT is OUTDATED! We should have HTML options for color, bold, ...
  • Completed

    Correct PAYROLL Direct Deposit Stub YTD deposit display.

    We and a number of our MAS clients have found that if you change the employee’s direct deposit bank, the previous entry and YTD figures no longer print on the DD stub. ...
  • Completed

    Ability to Add Logo to Paperless Office Message Maintenance

    Customers are asking to include their logo or a professional signature to emails sent through Paperless Office. Right now everything is plain text and can look suspicious ...