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    Pick correct cost tier when doing a PO Return of Goods Entry

    During PO Return of Goods, should be able to pick the FIFO tier to return against, especially when recalling a specific PO. If a user receives something in at the wrong ...
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    Purchase Order Cancel/Reason Codes should be available to choose when ...

    Many clients set Retain Deleted Orders to YES so that all deleted orders are saved to History and the choice is not left with the user. The user should have the ...
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    Add to Utilities-Purge Item History a Product Line, along with the ...

    Presently you purge item history for 'ALL' items prior to the year selected. It would be helpful if you could select a product line.
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    Increase quantity amount in Invoice Data Entry- Accounts Receivable

    Increase the quantity to 6 digits or more on invoice data entry and or get rid of the three digits after the decimal, so you can increase the quantity. I have an ...
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    Accounts Receivable Global Field Change Utility

    The Accounts Receivable Global Field Change Utility does not push global field changes through to the ship to addresses. Would recommend this be an option when for ...
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    Add to Warning messages in the purge utilities additional info ...

    Example: Purge Obsolete Purchase orders; the warning message is not clear that this will DELETE Open AND Received PO's. It would be nice to add to the warning ...
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    Expand state code to be used in foreign countries like Australia

    State code is currently 2 characters throughout Sage 100. Expand State Code to accommodate state codes in other countries like Australia.
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    Add Date Established for Item

    it would be nice to know when an item was first added to the system. For example, a customer might ask "How long has this item been around?" Similar to Date Established ...
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    It would be a tremendous time saver to have a utility remove Customer ...

    We have all customers set up on Item Price Levels. Occasionally, we give a customer special pricing on certain items which overrides the Price Level pricing. Then after ...
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    Paperless Picking Sheet

    Please add paperless office picking sheep of be able to force Sales Orders to Paperless when printed through Picking Sheet Printing
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    Select and Save Default Forms for Customers

    A lot of our customers require specific forms such a packing slips and invoices. Basically I'd like to be able to assign different sales orders, invoices, packing slips, ...
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    Carry Freight Charges from SO Entry to SO Invoice

    We have a bunch of standard freight codes/prices set up based on state and the courier that are assigned to our customers. When we create a Sales Order or Quote for ...
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    RMA – In generate transactions, need to offer ability to quote, not ...

    -and this quote too should be convertible to a sales order, if and when necessary. Reason being is, if repairing a given part, usually labor charges and parts charges ...
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    Delete PO Vendor Price Level data when removing Vendor from Item ...

    We have a crystal report that generates a master vendor cost report for our sales department. We just noticed that on some items there is OLD pricing data showing on ...
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    Add freight Total to S/O Invoice Data Entry Batch screen

    The S/O invoice data batch screen currently lists all necessary categories related to the financial totals in a batch excluding the freight. If you are looking for a ...
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    Running Quantity Totals in SO Entry/SO Invoice Entry

    I was searching through the suggestions and I couldn't find this but perhaps I missed it. Please add 'Total' Boxes for the Quantity Ordered/Shipped/Back Ordered on these ...
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    Easiest Change Ever! Make Default Warehouse Code Appear at the Top of ...

    I've been using Sage for about 20 years, and we have several companies in Sage 100. We've always used warehouse 000 as the default warehouse. Due to having to use ...
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    Make "On SO" in Item Qty Inquiry reflect whse change on Invoice

    This is important because when we are trying to find out how many of a certain item are shipping from a certain warehouse, Item Inquiry will display incorrect information ...
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    Ability to search by item code in sales order and sales order history

    Customer often wants an item they ordered previously but orders are too many to go through manually.
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    AR Terms Code Discount - Calculate before Customer discount

    We are using the discount field for a coop discount and want the terms discount to be calculated before this discount. Our customer is a big box store and we really ...