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    Allow Stock Label printing from ADC Production Reporting VXAPT

    The current ADC functionality in Production Reporting supresses any transaction set Stock Label = YES.
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    Technical Sheets: Mass Validation Option

    Technical sheets share the same questions and responses but are validated individually. If you change a shared elements (like a default response) you should be able to ...
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    ADC: Support for non-terminal devices

    The ability to run ADC transaction on non-terminal devices is desired. Today, you have two choices. 1) Terminal based (ASCII) interface 2) Sage ERP X3 GUI/Web client ...
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    BOM/Kit Dynamic Cost Update

    When an Active product is updated to a Not Usable status, it would be great if X3 could prompt the user to decide whether or not the user would like this change to impact ...
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    Formula Management and Percentages

    When specific gravity or density is being used to manage mixed UOM (weight/volume) formulas, additional fields are needed to assist the formulator. Each ingredient ...
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    Scheduling: Parameterize inclusion of Nonproductive time

    When using backward scheduling (which is a must for our company) any of the times in the Off time charge block of operation detail (Prep, Wait and Post Op Times) are not ...
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    Customer Specific Quality Records (i.e. Technical Sheets)

    It is common in the chemical processing industry that an organization will have their own technical sheets against which they evaluate the QC status on the lots that are ...
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    Production Tracking: Ability to view work instructions from within ...

    Ability to view routing or work instructions from within the tracking function is needed. Currently, the user has to open another or secondary session to view. Idea ...
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    Production Tracking Quantity Breakdown

    There are industries the quantity being processed will be broken down at an operation. This is similar to a child lot size. It might be dictated by equipment or simply ...
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    BOM to Routing Tunnel for Standard Routings with Multiple sites

    We discovered in V5 and still in V6 for products that are setup at two sites and use a standard routing (defined on Product Site), when you try to use the Routing button ...
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    Technical Sheets: Response Copy Option

    When you have multiple work orders associated with the same batch (ex: pack out of bulk material), it would be very helpful if you could copy the technical sheet ...
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    Editable product ID in work order screen

    When the only or first product on a WO is incorrect, it must be deleted & re-added. It cannot be edited. The delete & re-add does not re-use the 1000 value of the ...
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    ADC transactions -- change order of entry

    ADC transaction entry doesn't follow a logical sequence -- drilling down from field to field from general to specific. Looking at the transactions in ADC, it would seem ...
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    Product Lot control by site

    It would be great if we could set at Site Level the configuration/parametrization about lot control and product traceability. We have 2 sites in our organization that 1 ...
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    Expand the number of lot compliment fields

    At present the system allows for four lot compliment fields (User Field 1, User Field 2, Rubrique 3c and Rubrique 4d. It would be helpful if this number could be ...
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    Each QC line Comment Option

    After QC request generate with X qty from that X-1 is Rejected and rest is approved . Really helpful if we have option to give on each line for approval/Rejection.
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    Operations Tracking: Quantity default in Tracking

    When tracking an operation, the entry would be simplified if the operation quantity defaulted from the quantity tracked at the previous operation less any quantity ...
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    Scheduling: Ability to schedule a work center by person and shift

    Scheduling should allow a work center to be scheduled by person and shift. This would allow for the management of machine operators. In addition to the operator and ...
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    Enhance Multi-level routings screen to include online help

    The Manufacturing > Technical data > Routings > Multi-level routings screen (VISUROUG) does not contain any help. Please enhance the screen to include help.
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    Remove control on total link quantity for By-products in BOM expressed ...

    If a BOM is expressed as a %, there is a control in place to avoid entering the total link quantity greater than 100%. However, this control also includes any ...