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    Miscellaneous Charges and Miscellaneous Items should post to the ...

    Currently, misc items and charges only post to the GL when the related invoice is processed. This is a design feature, not a flaw. Lots of non inventory related ...
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    Consigned inventory

    Add ability to track consigned in or out inventory without the use of work-arounds.
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    Order Volume Pricing Instead of Item Quantity Pricing

    We do not follow the item quantity tier pricing structure. Rather, we utilize an order volume structure. We don't care how many of an item the customer wants, we only ...
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    Hide Closed Sales Orders

    I am able to hide closed purchase orders & paid bills, but I would also like to be able to hide closed sales orders. This would be helpful because then I could just ...
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    Purchase Order Receipt of Invoice does not have same options as AP ...

    Purchase Order Receipt of Invoice is very different from AP invoice entry -- no option to enter Amount subject to the discount for instance. And there is no way to flag ...
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    Lot / Serial Pick Sheet Change

    Lot / Serial Number which would be a lot better and used if when you print a "Picking Sheet" it would show the Lot/Serial number to pick so the warehouse would pick the ...
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    Ability to click on column headers to sort during sales order entry

    This was a retired extended solution for MAS90, but we would like to see this added into the sales order entry screen. We use our sales orders as a pick-sheet since the ...
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    Auto complete Settings - Option to auto complete on item number ...

    Add additional options to the Auto Complete Settings. Allow a company to decide if they want to auto complete on the Item number, item description or extended ...
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    In Return of Goods Entry, provide a checkbox or other option that indicates the entry is a "Purchasing Reversal", not an actual return. Then that option should allow ...
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    Add the ability to delete inventory items based on "Product Line" or ...

    One business segment we have acts as a manufacturer's rep. Using Visual Integrator, we pre-loaded a few thousand items from a particular manufactuer to cut down on set up ...
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    Provide user options to prevent inventory from going negative during ...

    Provide user options to prevent inventory from going negative during multiple types of transaction entry.
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    Change default sorting in Customer Maintenance back to invoice date.

    It makes no functional sense to sort invoices in Customer Maintenance by the RMA No. Column! Change it back to sort by Invoice Date or at least give us the ability to ...
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    Add the ability to group emails by customer when sending out forms to ...

    Add the ability to group emails by customer when sending out forms to vendors / customers using Paperless Office in MAS 90 / MAS 200. If you are sending 5 invoices to one ...
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    Customer Memo Maintenance: Default Attachment Location

    Is there a way to change the default location used by this panel when the find attachment icon or Alt-F is used. Currently it defaults to the MAS90 installation folder. ...
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    Ability to delete Discontinued Inventory

    We would like to be able to Delete Discontiued Inventory. If that is not possible we would be interested in being able to hide the Discontiued items so that the Sales ...
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    Have ability to reverse landed cost entries when doing a return of ...

    When items are returned to vendors we should have ability to reverse landed cost entries as well. Currently one gets a huge inventory adjustment as the amount ...
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    Add a security option that hides the cost fields

    In library master roles, add a security option that hides the inventory or cost of sales cost fields, everywhere they appear, for specific users or user groups.
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    Change standard order to quote

    We would like to be able to change a standard order to a quote. A lot of times we don't know the person isn't ordering right then until we get to the Totals tab and ask ...
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    Pick correct cost tier when doing a PO Return of Goods Entry

    During PO Return of Goods, should be able to pick the FIFO tier to return against, especially when recalling a specific PO. If a user receives something in at the wrong ...
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    Store the WO # and PO # in Item Transaction History

    When reviewing an inventory transaction that came from the PO or WO module, you see the associated transaction number, but not the source document number. When reviewing ...