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    Easiest Change Ever! Make Default Warehouse Code Appear at the Top of ...

    I've been using Sage for about 20 years, and we have several companies in Sage 100. We've always used warehouse 000 as the default warehouse. Due to having to use ...
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    Add Shipping Tracking Number to Purchase Order

    In Purchase Order it would be great to have a field for the Tracking Number available for a couple of reasons. 1. To be able to have the tracking number available ...
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    RMA - Add "Repair" as Vendor Action

    We regularly take in items from customers that have to be returned to the vendor for repair. Current options for Vendor action in RMA are None, Credit, and Replacement. ...
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    Show PO Receiving/Invoice Information in PO Entry

    Add a tab to PO Entry/Inquiry, similar to the "Invoices" or "Transaction" tabs in Vendor Maintenance, to show all receipt of goods, receipt of invoice, and return of ...
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    PO Histoty should operate same as SO History

    I see similar Ideas on this same subject marked 'Complete' but it doesn't appear to be so in the 2021 version we're running. Can we get PO / PO History to operate same ...
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    Combine Misc and Inventory Items

    Problem. It is confusing and very difficult to get sales data entry staff to use the "slash" key to switch between Misc Items and Inventory Items when doing data entry. ...
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    When a job is closed, close the SO.

    When a job is originated from a Sales Order, invoicing completed from Job Cost, and the job is closed, the Sales Order remains open in a 'New' status. Current ...
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    Auto create standard orders from master orders based on promise dates ...

    It would be useful to be able to use auto creation of standard orders from master orders based on promise date of line items in master order. This will assist in planning ...
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    Add option to allow receipt of invoice to adjust cost of inventory ...

    Add option to allow receipt of invoice to adjust cost of inventory item and COGS, even when after the fact.
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    Auto generate p/o from s/o needs to populate the job number and cost ...

    Current implementation does not copy the job cost info to the purchase order. Since it does not do this, the info has to be retyped.
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    larger ship-to field to accomodate 5-digit store numbers.

    Many large companies are going to 5-digit store numbers. We use ship-tos for the store number, but we can not accomadate the 5-digits. We need the field expanded to 5 ...
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    Create standard orders from master orders based on required (promised) ...

    Have the ability that when yo create standard orders from master orders, that you have the ability to create the standard order based on the required date on the master ...
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    Sales Order Reduce Inventory

    Sales Orders are created and held until the job is complete, which may be weeks or months. Items on Sales Order does not relieve (reduce) inventory until it is Invoiced, ...
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    Calculate total cost and gross profit on sales order

    The program should calculate the total cost and gross profit for the sales order. You could set a default to StdCost, LastCost, or AverCost. It would check the Profit ...
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    Inventory re-order Report not accurate

    The Inventory re-order report assumes that if you have the re-order method set to economic quantity re-order method that it will re-order the econimc re-order quantity ...
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    RMA GL postings for Scrap

    The current GL postings for RMA Scrap do not make sense. In the Product Line Maintenance you must setup the Scrap account as your Inventory Asset account. If you do not ...
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    Delete, Renumber, Merge capabilites for Salespersons

    There is typically turnover with salespeople. It would be handy to have the ability to have delete, renumber, and merge capabilites available for salespersons - similar ...
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    merge utility for SO Ship To Codes

    Have a utility to merge or renumber Ship To Codes. Also, have question during Customer Merge to include or not Ship To Codes
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    Add ability to copy the Alias Item Number field to the clipboard

    In the IM, Item Maintenance, MORE , Alias Item Maintenance the Alias Item No. field is grayed out when there is an Alias Item populated in that field. Please unlock the ...
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    MAS90 should allow reprinting of already received RMAs

    Currently, MAS90 does not allow reprinting any RMA paperwork for RMAs which have been received and closed. However, it does not seem difficult to allow this ...