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    Customizer should allow greater formatting control for fields added to ...

    When we add numeric fields from Item Maintenance to the Sales Order Entry Lines panel, they show up left-justified and with a variable number of decimals, making it ...
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    Prevent vendor checks from exceeding a specific amount

    We would like to be able to limit the check amount issued in Sage 100 ERP through a setup feature such as; Check amount not to exceed $_______
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    Warning should be displayed if user removes all KIT components when ...

    User removes all component lines believing they would get the same result had they not exploded the KIT; that the Kit/parent item will be relieved from inventory. It is ...
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    Daily Transaction Register is prompted for printing and updating when ...

    This is causing confusion and there isn't any messaging warning the user that the Integration to General Ledger has been turned off. If the integration is inadvertently ...
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    Advanced Lookup improvements (ALE)

    The ALE's are one of the greatest single tools in the product. That said there are several things that would improve it: - offer a TOTAL for any numeric field at the ...
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    Clear the Message Line 1 / 2 when screen loads

    When you print any of the MAS200 forms, there are usually 2 message lines that you can add some text to be printed in the bottom of the form. the message stays after the ...
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    Filter UDT Tables

    When creating a UDT and validating against it, it always lists all the records you can select from. it would be great if we can filter these records by mapping them to ...
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    Auto Number ID for UDT

    It would be nicer if we can just set the UDT key to be an integer that Auto increment with every record added.
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    Add memos to product line maintenance

    Product Line Memos could be very useful especially to companies that activate and deactivate product lines often. In addition to general information about the product ...
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    Paperless too slow in 4.4

    After upgrading from 4.3 we noticed a substantial performance hit when saving to pdf in Paperless Office. Please work to shorten the time needed to process.
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    Rename either Sage 100 (MAS200) or Sage 100 Contractor

    Sage 100 (formerly MAS90/200) and Sage 100 Contractor are two totally different software systems, but the similar names are very confusing. And if like me you need to ...
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    Do not allow work order completion if quantity required for a ...

    Add an option to restrict work orders from being completed if the quantity on hand for one of the components is less than the quantity that would be required to actually ...
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    Price/Cost Changes

    We are not a large business to speak of however we do have approx 6000 items in our system that we regularly have to do price updates on. This is not something we chose ...
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    Have MAS auto lock after a certian number of minutes instead of log ...

    Right now MAS has the capability of logging users out if they are idle for a certain number of minutes. I would like to see it just lock them out after a certain number ...
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    Utility or report to check for open batches

    Utility or report to look for at all modules to see any open batches. This would be helpful for end of month processes & updates. Especially when a client has multiple ...
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    Custom Lookup for Users

    Why is there no Custom button available in the Users lookup? I want to see more than User Logon, First Name, Last Name. I want to be able to change my lookup to include ...
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    User Title Field

    Add a field in User Maintenance to key in someone's title, not just the drop-down selection list. This would be incredibly beneficial to partners who need to know who ...
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    Item History Drill Down Using Enter or Double Click

    You used to be able to drill down in Item Inquiry History using the Enter key or a double click of the mouse. We try to use the keyboard as much as possible as it makes ...
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    Fix paperless office on Terminal server to not quit working when the ...

    When a user that has MAS90/200 installed on their local workstation accesses a MAS90/200 installation on a terminal server the terminal server installation is damaged and ...
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    Bank Code Maintenance

    Can you create a bigger field to allow two digits in Bank Code Maintenance rather then one.