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    Accounts Payable - Vendor Maintenance - Multiple E-mail Addresses ...

    Can you please add another field for paperless e-mail option, one for AP and one for Purchasing contacts.
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    voiding A/R checks

    Voiding a customers check in accounts receivable in nearly impossible. In almost any entry level software this is a very easy task. This is a feature that is needed ...
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    Pull the 1099 field "Account Number" from the Vendor Masterfile for ...

    When generating the e-file for 1099's, the 1099 field "Account Number" is not automatically populated for each company. The "Account Number" can be added manually, but ...
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    Daily Transaction Register Journal No not displayed in Paperless ...

    When you view the Daily Transaction Registers in PL, the Journal No. field is blank, no matter what module it came from and if it is a single journal no. or one that ...
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    Waive small A/R balances under $1.00.

    It would be a huge time saver to create something within MAS to be able to waive/write off to bad debt expense, small A/R balances owed under $1.00.
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    can't post credit memo directly against a finance charge,

    you have to first batch your credit (FC doesn't appear), then batch, then apply, then batch, again!
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    submit suggestion

    please implement a grid time system to expedite printing statements and posting / assessing finance charges
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    print all outstanding invoices with one command

    I can't believe that I if I have to print out outstanding invoices for a customer who owes us money, that I have to print each one out individually. You should have an ...
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    General ledger exchange reversal date field

    Add a field in General Ledger Exchange for reversing dates on journal entries.
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    General ledger exchange entry automatic numbering

    If general ledger exchange could assign the next number in a specific journal type's sequence (similar to the option in manual journal entry data entry), having to keep ...
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    General Ledger>general journal entry>reversing entry: I would like to ...

    General Ledger>general journal entry>reversing entry: I would like to have a printout of the actual reversal for the workpapers and Accounts Payable Module>Main>Vend ...
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    Very annoying to have to click on the prompt instead of just hitting ...

    Very annoying to have to click on the prompt instead of just hitting enter when checking inventory inquire, this is a step back instead of an upgrade!
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    Dropdown list of forms should not include deleted forms

    If we delete forms using Library Master, they continue to show in the dropdown list for PO printing. They should not show in the dropdown if they are deleted.
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    For GL account inquiry, I need to see increase/decrease of the account ...

    When I see account inquiry, I can see the history of the account balance monthly.But I would like to see the increase/decrase of the balance between the month, quarter ...
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    Company Maintenance - Add ability to rename an existing company code ...

    Would you please consider adding ability to rename an existing company code to a new non-existent code? The current process is to create the new company code, copy the ...
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    AP Vendor Maintenance| AP Data Entry | Remember Multiple GL Codes

    When entering AP it would be helpful for MAS90 to remember multiple GL codes rather than just one. If we're going to go this route we should also start predetermined ...
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    AP Invoice Entry | Extended Invoice Number | Storage

    Many vendors require their account number to be shown on the check. It typically needs to be entered into the Ext. Invoice No. field. It would helpful to have the option ...
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    Add AP_VendorRemit to lookups in Vendor Maintenance and Vendor Inquiry

    When creating a custom lookup in Vendor Maintenance or Vendor Inquiry, the "Available Fields" do not include the table AP_VendorRemit. It would be extremely helpful to ...
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    Allow the creation of multiple Vendor Remit To Addresses

    Many companies have multiple Remit-To addresses and it would be helpful to store these in MAS.
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    Show Vendor Name in the pop-up for "Is this a new vendor" in Inventory ...

    When entering a new Vendor, the pop-up "Is this a new vendor?" should include the name of the vendor so you can know if you have entered the right vendor number.