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    Alias Item Maintenance Description

    In IM Maintenance, when we change a vendor item number it resets the Alias Description to the Item Description (the first 30 characters). We would like to have the Alias ...
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    please fix..many times while in sales order/invoice entry....total ...

    too many times, while a customer is at my desk waiting to pay for purchase....trusting your computations I give the customer what shows as the total.....lo and behold! ...
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    When entering new items into the INVENTORY module you should be allowed AT LEAST 25 characters. 15 characters is WAY TO SHORT. We were told when we got this upgrade we ...
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    Make MAS 200 more like a Windows product and kill all your bugs!

    If copying and pasting from and to MAS 200 could inproved, if the windows didn't lock each other, if at least we could get an error message to why MAS gave us a white ...
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    Ability to enter an invoice on the fly while entering AR Cash Receipts

    There are times when a customer will either pay more or less for an invoice or maybe pay something we didn't expect payment on. The ability to make these adjustments ...
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    remove the double login for shipping data entry

    it would be better to manage the shippers options in security and do away with the second login for shipping data entry, the tasks could be added to the standard security ...
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    lost focus in shipping data entry

    When using wedge scanners in the shipping data entry click next box, then scan a item, it try's to put the barcode in the quantity field this would not happen if the ...
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    In A/P Invoice Data Entry screen, show vendor's address in the same ...

    Sage 100 currently does not allow you to see the vendor address as you are entering the new payment entry. If you want to verify the address, or if you have multiple ...
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    Ability to Print Unpaid Customer Invoices When Processing End of Month ...

    It would greatly streamline our End-of-Month Customer Statement process to be able to print all unpaid invoices from the current period sorted by customer number.
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    Company Maintenance add ability to copy address to multiple companies

    Our client has over 200 companies with the same address. They moved from one location to another and would like a quick way to change all addresses.
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    Increase item count from 5 to 7 digits

    We bill page counts that can easily surpass 99,999 and go as high as a million plus. I would like the opportunity to put this number in the item count instead of having ...
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    Update repetitive invoices in invoice data entry

    It would be nice to have an option to save changes made in invoice data entry to the repetitive invoice as well. Currently if a change is needed upon review of the ...
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    image folder and payroll forms

    Mas has be moving most of the customer data under the company folder, it seams it forgot the image structure, it used to be system data, now it is branched by company ...
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    Move Extended Discriptions

    Sage has put the extended descriptions in a separate table and a index to link the descriptions which is extremely slow and not very efficient and a headache for all of ...
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    UM field expantion

    Sage has kept the same width on the um fields (4) for as ling as I can remember even after rewriting the Inventory module, we should be able to put 999,999,999.0000 in ...
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    Copy from journal history

    When entering a General Journal Entry, the Copy from Journal History fields should include the comment field to easily identify the posted journal entry
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    copy invoice in A/R

    I have multiple invoices with the same amount but may be different customer's. need that functionality to be productive. Very time consuming!!
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    Using the new eInvoicing feature, we are told paperless has to be ...

    The new eInvoicing is a great feature, using a/r or s/o. Shutting off paperless seems counter productive.
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    link maintenance and broken links

    Make it possible to check the display broken links check box before first populating the data. Currently you have to load all the data first and then check the box for ...
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    Display daily transaction register when using automatic update and ...

    When auto update of the daily transaction register is enabled and you are using paperless office, the daily transaction register is not popped up for review. A number of ...