• Votes


    When converting Sales Orders to an invoice, allow the default to be ...

    We enter our sales into sales orders, then update to invoices when we're ready to update. 99.9% of the time these items have already been delivered (or the work has been ...
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    Allow entry of serialized parts on SO Quotes and Standard Orders ...

    We create quotes and standard sales orders that often contain serialized parts that we do not keep in stock. However, you cannot put a serialized item onto the SO without ...
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    Item Maintenance cost entry popup

    When we enter new items, we put the cost of the item into the applicable field before entering the price, because we have various price codes and a button that ...
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    Premium/SQL Grid Loading

    The amount of time it takes for the Sales Order Entry Grid is way to long with SQL on the back-end. The program should load a 1,000 rows much quicker. Same is true for ...
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    Cannot see customer number or item code

    When ever I am looking at a customer number or a item code, I can't see it. It is too light in color and seems to have a grey mist over it. It needs to be darker or ...
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    I need freight to be credited, when the credit freight box is checked ...

    When processing RMAs, there is a check box available, labeled Credit Freight. However, checking the box seems to have no effect. My understanding is that checking this ...
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    save a copy of Customer's POs in mas 100

    What is the mas solution to save a copy of the customer's POs and a copy of receipt from customer, Should there are a button like a brows button to select a file and save ...
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    run BOM Cost Rollup Register by Warehouse

    we put our inactive BOMs in a DNU - Do NOt Use warehouse. It would be nice that these weren't updated when the standard cost is rolled up on the Cost Roll-Up Register.
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    w/o # sequence off when credit w/o's are processed

    It would be convenient when entering credit work orders, after copying and pasting and adding a c or cr to the original w/o #, to have the next (new) work order fall back ...
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    Require all Programmers and Affiliated Companies to Validate all ...

    We are new to Sage and DM2 but we are noticing there are fields that have tables built to support that the entry function does not Validate against the table created. ...
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    Apply PrePayment entries by date in Match Credits to Open Invoices

    When a PrePayment is entered in AR Cash Receipts, for example a deposit dated 07/01/14, the system will name the invoice "JUL0714-PP". Match Credits to Open Invoices ...
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    vendor alias numbers searching

    we need to be able to search the vendor alias part numbers. we have customers that call in with the vendor part number that is labeled on the actual part and we need to ...
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    allow bank code to be changed in case the wrong one was started when ...

    if the wrong bank code has all the entries you've just made in manual checks, there is no easy way to change the bank code without re-entering all the transactions!
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    Allow the use of Miscellaneous Charge Items in Replace and Delete ...

    This option was available in version 4.4 (which is after the framework change) but was removed from v4.5 going forward.
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    Ability to Copy and Edit Security roles

    After assigning a security role to a user, if you select the wrong one or the user's role changes you can't edit, you have to Delete & re-enter. If you have a user with ...
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    Predefine Memo codes

    Ability to predefine Memo codes by module so that user can select a code instead of making up on the fly. For example: Customer Memo codes: Credit, Delivery. Employee ...
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    form screen positions multi monitor fix needed

    Currently the Sage Software does not support a monitor configuration that has monitors placed above another monitor. Our environment is a 2x2 (4 monitor configuration). ...
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    When do you think we will be able to use Sage Products on a Linux ...

    It is inevitable that Linux will become a commonly used operating system in the Small and Large enterprises and I find this very short sited not to be able to load Sage ...
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    Be able to change box marked 1099 misc after the invoice is posted

    If the invoice has been posted and marked to receive misc box 7 for 1099 and realized it was incorrectly marked, on the new version I cannot go back and uncheck the box ...
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    Journal Entry Template does not pull the Batch Description

    Journal Entry Template does not pull the Batch Description. Created an export of a posted Journal Entry and the Batch Description does not show.