• Votes


    SO Gross Profit Report does not show Drop Ship Cost accurately

    When you create a Drop Ship PO and then generate the SO from the PO, the GL COGS account will be updated from the PO Receipt of Invoice and not from SO Invoice ...
  • Votes


    Utility to transfer all item quantities from one warehouse to another.

    When using a different warehouse code for each service truck, it would be helpful to have a transfer of ALL quantities to a different warehouse code. When replacing a ...
  • Votes


    Automatically run rebuild sort files

    Since some of the fields in inventory such as on S/O, on P/O, etc. do periodically get out of sync with reality for whatever reason, it would be nice if there was some ...
  • Votes


    Ability to change the color of any field description so it catches the ...

    This would be helpful for required field during data entry so the field is not skipped. This would be a great feature globally for all data entry screens. Ex: We ...
  • Votes


    Have Print and Update messages different enough to catch the eye when ...

    There are so many messages re do you want to print, do you want to update… it would be great if they were different enough to catch the eye when reading quickly – like ...
  • Votes


    Make Bank Transfers Easier

    Bank Transfers from one bank code to another should be easier to do in Sage 100. Right now, you have to go to Transaction Journal Entry and fill out Offset Account No, ...
  • Votes


    Bring back PDF versions of user manuals, not just HELP screens, but ...

    Bring back PDF versions of user manuals, not just HELP screens, but actual in-depth manuals (like 3.71) that someone could read and understand how the software operates.
  • Votes


    Retain General Journal and Transaction Journal memos and attachments ...

    Retain memos and attachments after updating the General Journal or Transaction Journal update so they are viewable in Journal Drill Down screens.
  • Votes


    Add Quick Print Button to Job Estimate Maintenance Screen in Job Cost ...

    In the Job Estimate Maintenance Screen for the Job Cost Module, please add the Quick Print Button. This will make it easier to send out a Job Estimate instead of ...
  • Votes


    Sales Order Total should update Original Contract in Job Maintenance

    When you create a Job in the Job Cost Module from the Sales Order Module, it should update the Original Contract amount in Job Maintenance. For example, you create a ...
  • Votes


    Program Setting for rights in the system to Create vs Edit

    There should be an option for key fields for allowing creation only or creation and editing. For example our jobs post to the GL per their setup job types. If one job ...
  • Votes


    Do Not Allow Module vs GL Date Differences

    There should be a program setting to enforce module and GL dates to be within the same period. If this is not possible there should be a large alert that pops up ...
  • Planned


    Sales Order Audit Trail

    Need to be able to track for a sales order and the invoicing of a sales order any adds, changes, deletions of fields in the order/invoice.
  • Planned


    Purchase Order Audit Trail

    Purchase Order Audit Trail The Purchase Order Audit Trail would provide detailed audit tracking for the Purchase Order module. Each field in Purchase Order (Header and ...
  • Planned


    Make Rev No Field Alphanumeric in Work Ticket Template

    All of our CAD software was set-up to build revisions based on letter, not number, so we set up Bill of Materials accordingly in the old version of MAS90. With Work ...
  • Votes


    Recall Sales Order when voiding an invoice

    The ability to recall the original sales order and "re-open" it so that you can invoice against it again. Currently if you've invoiced against a sales order, it is ...
  • Planned


    Credit Holds should flag you in Cash Receipts

    When entering checks their should be a flag of some kind letting you know this customer is on credit hold. Then if the payment received resolves the past due status you ...
  • Votes


    Utility to fix orphaned costs in inventory

    When using average costs it is not uncommon for the quantity of an item to go to zero and then have left over costs associated with the item. Typically it is pennies (I ...
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    Vendor Maintenance account number field

    Many of our vendors have issued us an account number, but there's no dedicated field in Vendor Maintenance to enter that, or other pertinent information, so it often ends ...
  • Votes


    Add administrator defined Reason Code to inventory transaction

    Reason codes provide parsing of transactions for cause, useful in inventory adjustments, scrap, and transfers. This assists in audit trail use for problem solving and ...