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    updates in customer maintainance should have the option to also update ...

    updating certain fields in Customer maintenance, for example, Name, Address, Terms should also have the option to update the same fields in open sales orders.
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    Add Special Order And Non-Stock to the Product types in IM

    There need to be moe choice in the product types to handle real world inventory
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    Bank Reconciliation Report

    Bank Rec-Date consistency to allow cutoff by GL period posting date - and the ability to reprint the same report at a later date
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    It should be easier to void a check than it is in MAS 90. If you want ...

    Currently you go to manual check and void a check and it asks if you want to retain the invoice. You dont really have a choice because it retains the invoice. So if the ...
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    Add the ability to access MAS 90 and 200 via a Mobile device, such as ...

    Please add a detailed comment listing the MAS 90 and 200 modules and/or business processes you would need to perform on an iPhone, iPad, or Android as well as any other ...
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    Bring back Report Master

    It was a quick and easy way to write simple reports for everyday use or a specific one time function. Especially when you need to pull specific data items into a report. ...
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    Show quantity on hand on Inventory Transaction Entry screens

    In previous versions of MAS the quantity on hand showed on the data entry screen when entering a transfer, issue or adjustment for each warehouse affected.
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    Expand Task Scheduler

    Task Scheduler is a nice improvement over the old Automatic Update; however, clients have been disappointed the only tasks that can be scheduled are journals and updates. ...
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    Allow recall, reversal and editing of previously updated invoices with ...

    Allow recall, reversal and editing of previously updated AR or SO invoices with trail of edits and who performed them.
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    Add a "Copy Payroll Year" option to the Payroll - Period End menu

    Presently users of payroll cannot start a new calendar payroll year without first printing W2 forms and related reports. This causes most users to copy their live data ...
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    In A/P Invoice Data Entry, autofill the distribution amount with the ...

    when distributing the invoice amount to a G/L account, automatically fill the Amount field with the invoice amount from Tab 1. An amount always needs to be entered ...
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    Add better tracking of status of returns to vendor

    Add better tracking of status of returns to vendor to include: 1) Listing of goods returned, but not yet credited by vendor. 2) Ability to enter AP debit memo against ...
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    Increase Lot/Serial Field Length

    Our serialized inventory has longer serial numbers than the field allows for. Increasing the length (or even better, having the ability to configure the length) would ...
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    Ability to have Extended Descriptions for Alias Items

    On numerous occasions, the 30 Characters for the Alias description is insufficient. The extended description of the main item is not the verbage requested by the ...
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    track combined Roth 401k and 401k amounts so they do not exceed limit

    Since the Roth 401k deduction is taxed...the same deduction code for the regular 401k cannot be used...however, the limit which is set cannot exceed the combination of ...
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    Sales Order Paperless Office FROM Email address. Allow for more then ...

    Salespeople emailing quotes from Sales Order can not have their own FROM email address shown. From email acount defaults to Paperless Setup.
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    Do not allow quantity shipped to exceed quantity on hand

    Add an option so that the quantity being shipped cannot exceed the quantity on hand in shipping data entry or invoice data entry so quantities don't go negative.
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    Significant improvement in landed costs

    Significant improvement in landed costs to include: 1) Ability to associate PO or AP invoice for landed cost with an item so that cost is allocated from invoice to the ...
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    Ability to change the warehouse code during Receipt of Goods Entry

    When first entering a Purchase Order, it may not be known at that time which warehouse the item will actually be later received into. This makes it necessary to have the ...
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    Have fields in AR Customer for YTD and PYTD sales.

    AR Customer needs to have straight YTD and PYTD sales fields. It is too cumbersome to total them when writing custom reports in Crystal and impossible when using excel.