• Votes


    Add ability to print a/p aged invoice report by invoice date or ...

    Would like to be able to print the a/p aged invoice report so that it agrees to the general ledger just like the a/p trial balance does. Bank wants to see and aged a/p ...
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    Add ship to address for paperless delivery option

    Add ability to select ship to email address for paperless invoice
  • Votes


    Paperless Office - Allow pdf files generated to be named and filed ...

    Allow pdf files generated to be named and filed individually, or at least allow file naming by fields such as customer name, invoice number, & date or other combination.
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    Sage 100 cannot connect to the Sage payroll tax service

    When the sage payroll tax service is down, we need a way to continue to process payroll. This service has been down all day for one company and their employees will not ...
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    Ability to batch print AP checks

    Would like the ability to set up batch printing for AP checks. We have several locations that print checks and we use the GL & AP Security enhancements, but we still ...
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    Ability to have multiple ship to locations on one Sales Order and ...

    This really streamlines Drop-Shipping orders
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    Ability to Print the Inventory Detail Transaction Report by ...

    When printing the Inventory Detail Transation Report it would be helpful to have the ability to just search by transaction types. IE: II, IA, etc. We can accomplish this ...
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    Include vendor fax number on purchase order form

    Add the vendor fax number to the data table used to print Purchase Orders. Currently this field is not available.
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    Allow entry of non-numeric zip codes in the SO>ship rate maintenance.

    Allow entry of non-numeric zip codes in the SO>ship rate maintenance so that users can build rate tables for Canada. This is inconsistent with zip code maintenance in ...
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    Reconcile Bank Rec to General ledger

    Reconcile bank reconciliation to General ledger as well as to the Bank Statement
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    have an option to force all fields to be ALL CAPS
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    Able to see original vendor when an invoice is transferred to a credit ...

    If you transfer an invoice to the credit card, you cannot go back at a later date to see who the original vendor was or even the original general ledger account. This ...
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    We need a report to see wages and hours broken down by Department for ...

    We have employees who may work in several different departments. It would be helpful to pull a Department report listing all employees who worked in that department. ...
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    Create a PDF file of the W-2's for the year.

    It would be best if it could include the form as well as the data. Currently when you change the amounts of the Social Security limit, etc. in one company, it changes ...
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    Add BR integration for processing CC payments in AR Cash Receipts

    Need to have CC payments via AR Cash Receipts also post to BR. Currently this type of transaction post to AR and GL but not BR. In order to get the receipt into BR, you ...
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    Extended Discriptions fix

    Sage has put the extended descriptions in a separate table and a index to link the descriptions which is extremely slow and not very efficient and a headache for all of ...
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    MAS should not allow you to post and update out of balance journals in ...

    Feedback from several clients from several different industries: they have complained that it is way too easy to update and post out of balance journals in a module in ...
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    Log updates to the Standard Cost from the Std Cost Change Utility and ...

    Provide an option to have the software write records to the Inventory Masterfile Audit file when the Standard Cost Change Utility, Automatic Cost/Price Change Utility, ...
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    Renumber the customer in CLOSED Sales Order in SO History when ...

    Currently, if an order is Closed, the customer number is not renumbered when doing a renumber. This is ludicrous. If you renumber all of the invoices (not just open), ...
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    Ability to sort and find the vendor alias item number

    Presently in version, the alias item number is stored as it is entered and does not sort in alphabetical or numerical order. When doing invoice or goods ...