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    MO Tax Table updates

    Please update the MO Payroll Tax Tables to match with other 3rd parties so manual overrides do not have to be made.
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    Accrued payroll

    Payroll posting should be done on the pay period ending date not on the date that the employees are paid. Since this software posts the software on the date the ...
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    worker comp total page to be ran by employee

    Workers comp total page- to all run a total page for each employee without combine total Into one report. Right now you have you go in and run register total page for ...
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    401k Loan deductions year to year

    Have the system adjust the Maximum amount of the loan from the amount deducted from previous year to the new year. this will save a lot of time and confusion to manually ...
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    Entering Employees in 5-2-1

    When entering a new employees it should give you a pop up before saving if the employee already exist in the system. I am having problems with entering new employees and ...
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    5-2-2 Option to sort employees by last name, first name and ...

    When employees are added the employee number is automatically assigned. It would be helpful if entry could be incremented alphabetically by last name, first name rather ...
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    Raise History/Last Raise updated

    When the raise history is updated in the "Raise History" box it should autofill the "Last Raise" field on the Human Resources tab
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    5-5-1 create timecards alpha option

    Could you add an option to 'create timecards' alpha by last name instead of by employee number? It would then be easier to locate an employee's Payroll Record (5-2-2) ...
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    sage 100 report for 401k contributions

    for monthly, quarterly and year end it would be nice to have a report of employee and employer 401k contributions to reconcile
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    Connecticut Paid Sick Time

    The State of Connecticut requires pay stubs reflect accrued paid sick time and the use of sick time for the calendar year. Please provide a "used to date" on the 5-2-1 ...
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    Please add to the 5-2-1 employee records in the US edition a field ...

    There needs to be a quick glance of year to date sick time used available on the Employee Record under 5-2-1 "compensation" tab that shows the Total YTD amount of sick ...
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    LCPTracking Certified Payroll Reports

    Create a Certified Payroll report which can be exported to an LCPTracker. Many entities are requiring LCPTracker CPR's.
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    Employee History of Changes

    It would be nice to have history of any and all changes made to an employees profile so you can easily see if they changed 401K contribution amounts part-way through the ...
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    Print employee report by calculation type

    It would be wonderful to be able to print a report by calculation type to easily see what employees have a certain calculation (ie 401k or medical for example)
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    Please add to the 5-2-1 employee records in the US edition a field ...

    There needs to be a quick glance of year to date sick time used available on the Employee Record under 5-2-1 "compensation" tab that shows the Total YTD amount of sick ...
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    vacation history in 5-2-1

    I would love to be able to have a vacation history at the bottom of screen 5-2-1 like we do for Raise History. This is very nice feature for raise history since it goes ...
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    In 5-1-6-21 Certified Payroll Reports - the "Add Ons" is union ...

    In 5-1-6-21 Certified Payroll Reports - the "Add Ons" is union vacation and "Other" includes union vacation and wage garnishments/employee loans. The wage ...
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    Banked Hours

    Create a system that enables banking of hours. Almost all other software has "Banked Time" options available.
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    Paygroup Hours Report 5-1-8-61

    With the new 25.2 upgrade, you can't view the payroll record when you click on the hours, before you were able to. Also, this report will not list all employees, it will ...
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    5-1-8-61 Paygroup Hours

    It seems that after the 5-1-8-61 report being updated on September 16, 2024, now it is not working properly. When entering a job for this report, it is now listing all ...