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    Aged Inventory Report

    Have a couple of clients who would LOVE to have an "Inventory Aging Report", ie an Aged Inventory Report with aged units and aged cost $$, as a standard report available ...
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    Item Audit Report To Record System induced changes

    Item Audit Report does not record changes to unit cost if that cost is updated by using "Cost Roll-Up Register" for example. When tracking down price/cost changes it ...
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    production entry do not allow inactive items to be used

    When we flag a component item as inactive in IM item maintenance, it should not be alowed in a production entry. If someone forgot to change the bill of materials there ...
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    Show warehouse specific inventory quanitites on the work ticket

    Having the ability to see inventory levels for the specified warehouse would eliminate back flushing inventory from the wrong warehouse.
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    Have the ability to see the source journal in Production Management ...

    When going into a work ticket entry or work ticket inquiry for any of the tabs that relate to transactions (Labor, Materials, Direct Costs) there is no drill down to ...
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    Add "Scrap" Transaction Code

    Scrap is a category of transactions that needs to be closely monitored and reported on. It is highly useful in statistical process control and continuous process ...
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    Bring Back Material Substitutions to Production Management

    Please bring back work order (now ticket) material substitutions that were in work order to production management. This is a significant feature gap between WO and PM. ...
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    Ability to use the Delete/Renumber/Merge feature for Inventory Items ...

    User creates a new item and the BOM for said item. He then realizes he has not followed the required format for creation of new ID for items. Needs to renumber the ID ...
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    Production Management - Retaining/Purging Deleted WTs

    Add a checkbox in Production Management Options to control whether deleted Work Tickets are retained in the Work Ticket History tables. Additional or alternative request ...
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    MRP and Maximum Stock Level

    Modification to MRP to use Maximum Stock Reorder Method when making reorder/make recommendations as it does on the Inventory Reorder Report. Currently MRP only recommends ...
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    Add Scrap Transaction Type to Inventory Transaction Entry

    In addition to Sales, Issues, Transfers, Adjustments, and Receipts...add a Transaction Type for Scrap. When making the adjustment, the cost would go directly to a SCRAP ...
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    Ability to re-open a Work Order

    There should be a way to re-open a work order if it was closed accidentally. This can be an administrative feature or something where only an admin can re-open. ...
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    Ability to have Extended Descriptions for Alias Items

    On numerous occasions, the 30 Characters for the Alias description is insufficient. The extended description of the main item is not the verbage requested by the ...
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    Add an Administrative Option to set system to not be able to ...

    Currently, only a warning pop up is used to prevent an employee from issuing or shipping more inventory items than are currently on hand. If the employee clicks, "ok", ...
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    limit users who can transfer out of a specific warehouse

    need to be able to limit users who can transfer out of the hold warehouse all users who have access to inventory management should be able to add to the warehouse but ...
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    closed/completed work ticket re-opening option

    sometimes a work ticket is closed inadvertently for a variety of reasons. It would be very helpful to be able to re-open a fully completed work ticket in production ...
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    Include on To and From warehouse code for inventory transfer ...

    Allows clear audit trail understanding - sequencing of transactions, etc.
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    PO default warehouse

    In Purchase Order Options, there is a default warehouse choice. It only limits you to 1 warehouse. I was wondering if you could have it default to the default warehouse ...
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    Add the ability to reverse the quantity completed to a Work Order

    When too many items are incorrectly completed to a work order, there is currently no way to back those parts out. This causes the cost of the item to be reported wrong ...
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    Please make it easier to cancel a work order

    Our work orders could have up to 200 component line items. Returning each line item with a negative issue entry is very time consuming. Then change WO entry to 0 qty, ...