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    Add more general ledger accounts as choices when entering invoices. ...

    Currently there is only one account that can be entered in the vendor maintenance as the default. We have a lot of vendors that would have multiple accounts that we use.
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    It should be easier to void a check than it is in MAS 90. If you want ...

    Currently you go to manual check and void a check and it asks if you want to retain the invoice. You dont really have a choice because it retains the invoice. So if the ...
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    Ability to Change Main Menu, or follow usage demand.

    Can we get the ability to fix the menus, especially on the Main Task page? It looks like Sage has just been adding their menus mostly to the TOP, regardless of customer ...
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    Keep rebuild key files window open after running one module.

    When one module is run in rebuild sort files, the window remains open to do another module. The rebuild key files window does not stay open after running one module.
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    Add the feedback link to the Inforamtion Center in MAS90

    Making the feedback link more accessible for more users would create a larger collaboration of ideas and importance of issues.
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    Build in a MAS alert tool without having to use full-blown Business ...

    Would be FANTASTIC if MAS could include a basic alert tool that would do things like notify a buyer when an inventory item is below its' reorder point, or if a customer ...
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    Have a desktop button / icon on the MAS desktop that allows you to ...

    MAS users have the MAS desktop open all day long, so having buttons/icons available to them makes reaching out and connecting with Sage much easier and more efficient ...
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    Add the ability to automatically fax customer set to receive documents ...

    Some customer elect to have their documents faxed instead of e-mailed. There is currently no way to have documents automatically faxed through Electronic Delivery. At ...
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    Write out the Bank Code used for checks in Payroll

    Add a column to the Pay History tab in Payroll Employee Maintenance and Inquiry that lists the bank code used for each check (similar to how it is listed in A/P)
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    repetitive invoice utility

    Have an AR utility to delete, change or renumber AR repetitive invoices. If you have to edit 100 out of 5000 you have to do it through VI which means you have to import ...
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    Need the system to now allow duplication of the creation of a customer profile in AR/ cust maint. Mainly this is a problem with our integration from our website. If a ...
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    We need the ability to sort TAB3 line items in SO module, Invoice Data entry module and/or shipping data entry. We have the pick ticket printing out by item code in ...
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    Paperless Viewer needs to show log of transactions from all ...

    It appears that the only report to determine what has been sent successfully is from the daily invoice update. Duplicate invoices are sent from the customer master file ...
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    Be able to create shortcuts to specific help files

    There are several help files that we need to use, but sometimes it's a pain to search for them if you don't use them very often. So if we could create a shortcut to it ...
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    Default values should be capable of being set in all checkboxes, ...

    custom office should allow all entry boxes to have default values if desired. We want to have the print options on sales order to always be checked on. (Previously we ...
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    Automatically save credit card information in version 4.4 and higher.

    With the implementation of PCI, credit card security has been beefed up tremendously. Since there is no longer a way to entire credit card information without an invoice ...
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    An option in Cash Receipts to not take discount with terms.

    Customers do not always take a terms discount. By having the ability to shut off terms discount in cash receipts, we wouldn't have to remove the discount from each ...
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    Allow control of sites linked with MAS90, ie UPS

    In other words, iship sucks and doesn't have near as much information as actual shipper's site. For customers who only use one shipper, being able to link directly to ...
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    Disallow terms discount on sales tax.

    When a terms code is set up with a discount, it computes that discount for the entire invoice including sales tax. Who wants to give a discount on sales tax? Not me, ...
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    AR Main, Invoice History Inquiry, when you are looking at an invoice ...

    AR Main, Invoice History Inquiry, when you are looking at an invoice and hit the "current" tab. it'd be great if you would add the date the payment was made on this ...