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    Zero Quantity Tiers

    I just learned that zero quantity inventory tiers are no longer removed during month end processing. Now I have to make an extra step to accomplish this. I beleive this ...
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    AP from AR Clearing - need better description

    the check stub on these transaction shows an ARM number which means nothing to the vendor receiving the check. We have to handwrite an explanation each time. It would ...
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    In Inventory Auto-Complete should have the option to read on the Item ...

    We sell industrial valves. They have "smart" part numbers. We need to be able to type in that start of the part number for example if we want to look for all 600 pound ...
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    paperless office

    Please update the methodology used to make paperless office documents work more seemlessly. Dependency on Registry permissions and deleting of lock files is no longer ...
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    Ability to email check remittance detail to vendors.

    It would be nice to be able to submit check remittance advice to a vendor like what is available for electronic payments. This way when a vendor calls for payment ...
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    Customer credit card maintenance security Issue

    Our Customer Service staff needs to have access to the role of adding credit card information when taking an order but I would like to see a seperate role that would not ...
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    update button for prices in invoice data entry

    It would be nice if, when entering a SO Invoice and discovering that a price is incorrect, there was an "update prices" button that would allow one to correct the price ...
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    Ability to create down payment and progress payment invoices

    We often sell larger items and/or installations that require a down payment and periodic progress payments from customers. It would be nice to have a way to input the ...
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    Give us a setting that would apply payments to finance charges first ...

    Right now, when we get a payment and I use the "auto" button, it is applied strictly by date. It would be nice to be able to specify that the payment is applied toward ...
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    Ability to put an updated S/O invoice on hold

    Sometimes we enter an invoice in sales order that we would like to put on hold for one reason or another: the item it contains is being demoed and we don't want to charge ...
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    Let us set a permanent secondary company.

    Right now when you right click to open any module, you have four choices that are really three. Open, Open in New Secondary Company, Open in Secondary Company (which is ...
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    When converting Sales Orders to an invoice, allow the default to be ...

    We enter our sales into sales orders, then update to invoices when we're ready to update. 99.9% of the time these items have already been delivered (or the work has been ...
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    Allow entry of serialized parts on SO Quotes and Standard Orders ...

    We create quotes and standard sales orders that often contain serialized parts that we do not keep in stock. However, you cannot put a serialized item onto the SO without ...
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    Item Maintenance cost entry popup

    When we enter new items, we put the cost of the item into the applicable field before entering the price, because we have various price codes and a button that ...
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    Copy from line above

    It would save time and eliminate errors if you created a keystroke (i.e. ctrl+7) to copy the line above to the current line. Example would be on PO's - repeating the GL ...
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    Open PO while still having Look Up Open

    I'd like to be able to do a search with the F2 key, keep that window open, and just open PO's from that window, like you can with items and vendors. I believe it's ...
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    Allow Import of Cost Code without Temp fields & Formula

    Currently, Visual Integrator import jobs containing the Cost Code field require the use of temp fields and substrings to parse out the individual sections of the cost ...
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    Change a job number on an invoice after it has been posted.

    If I created an invoice without a job number but want to add it after the invoice has been posted to the system. Sometimes I'll create a deposit invoice or proforma ...
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    Fix Accounts Payable Visual Process Flow

    The AP Visual Process Flow shows the following: Enter Invoice - Payment - Process Payment - Post It is missing Post Invoice. It should be: Enter Invoice - Post Invoice - ...