• Votes


    Please add an enhancement to update account segment description ...

    Please add an enhancement to update account segment description utility so user does not need to update them one by one
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    darken the font on data in view only fields

    Darken the font in view only fields. I have older employees who have a hard time seeing this.
  • Votes


    Create Integration with Tracking Data from Shipment Company and ...

    a way to track when a product is received from a shipping company, UPS,Fedex,etc, to when it is received into the system via receipt of goods. Is it possible to invest in ...
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    Ability to scroll through companies in "Select Company" window

    When changing companies, please add forward/backward buttons to scroll through companies instead of looking them up using the magnifying glass icon. As a partner ...
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    When choosing invoices to pay on screen 4-3-1 please show invoice date ...

    When choosing invoices to pay on screen 4-3-1 please show invoice date and if we could sort by invoice date or job number would be too awesome.
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    It has been very difficult without the capability of being able to ...

    It has been very difficult without the capability of being able to post 2 separate CC. Please fix.
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    It has been very difficult without the capability of being able to ...

    It has been very difficult without the capability of being able to post 2 separate payments.
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    Provide the ability to add or edit the customer po field on a posted ...

    Provide the ability to add or edit the customer po field on an invoice that has already been updated. We have many customers that cannot for reasons provide a purhase ...
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    When importing Sage into Caseware - have a check box to NOT import ...

    Importing into CaseWare is frustrating when all the corrections go over as well. It would be much better to only import the final product, without corrections.
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    Copy Inventory Item Code

    To copy the Item Code when in Item Maintenance You have to click on "Extend Item Description" so you can highlight and copy the Item Code on that pop-up screen. This is ...
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    Less than 1 Task Duration.

    Less than 1 Task Duration. Ie. .25, .5, .75 Not all Task take one day.
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    Create a "Payment History Inquiry" equivalent in AR

    AP has a "Payment History Inquiry" task that functions as a drill down on payment transactions in Vendor maintnenace providing quick access to individual payment detail ...
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    Default mask for new numeric UDF should include "-" (negative ...

    When adding a new numeric UDF, the default mask is: #,###,###.00 It's possible to add the "-" before or after, but it's easy to forget (so negative UDF values added to ...
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    Classic View in Sage 100 2020

    Please bring back the Classic View in Sage 2020. The screen is too cluttered. Mos tof my employees just get confused and they don't need all the extra information. ...
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    Enable amount or percentage in Expense distribution tables

    Allow for entry of amounts instead of percentages in the distribution tables.
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    Add Checkbox on User Report for ONLY INACTIVE

    You have a checkbox on the report now for "Include Inactive"- it would be great to have the ability to print ONLY inactive users for this report...maybe make this an ...
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    all open batch report/view

    It would be great for period end, or just general mangement to see a live list of open batches . Almost like a "master console" of open batches. 1. you could close out ...
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    dropship PO type should be editable

    we have many instances where a PO switched from a Dropship to a Standard PO. It would be great if in role mainteance we could give certain employees to toggle back and ...
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    wire transfer paperless office

    It would be great if there was a task in Sage that would use paperless office to send off wire transfer details to vendors, basically mirroring the ACH/ electronic ...
  • Votes


    Excel Export Button in AR invoice history inquiry --> Lot/serial ...

    When you are in AR invoice history inquiry, on the lines tab for serialized items you can easily access the lot/serial history. However the lot/serial history pop-up has ...