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    Add the GL account to Item Transaction History file

    It would be wonderfult to have the GL account used in Inventory Transactions appear in the Item Transaction History file, where applicable. GL accounts appear in almost ...
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    Save search criteria by user

    On most search windows, like the transaction searches for items, customers, etc. the date range defaults to the current month for whatever module you are in. Many people ...
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    CANCEL Print Preview

    When a print preview job has been started add a CANCEL Print Preview option to the window showing the work that's being done to prepare the print job.
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    Enhance the enhancement suggestion site. More searching and sorting ...

    As the suggestions grow on this site, it is becoming more and more difficult to tell if something has already been posted, but worded slightly different. Suggest ...
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    Customizing abiltiy for Default settings and Drop down options

    Prior to 4.4 in the non framework modules you were able to change the default settings for most drop down option for Inventory and Purchase Orders. In 4.4 with the ...
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    Display the company code being converted during data conversion.

    When converting multiple companies, it would be helpful to know which company is being converted currently. This would help knowing how much longer a conversion would ...
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    Add merge fields between SO and PO during Auto Generate PO function

    Add an Auto Generate PO Business Object for Custom Office to allow transfer of UDF information from SO Header to PO Header and SO Detail to PO Detail during Auto Generate ...
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    Allow memos to float so the underlying data entry screen could be ...

    Often memos contain instructions on how to fill out the underlying data entry screens. However, the underlying data entry7 screens can't be accessed while the memo is ...
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    Add Memos to Company Maintenance

    By adding memos to company maintenance notes could be added for the company. Also, if copying a company code could put the reason the company was created, etc.
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    A/P Invoice Memos should be accessible through check entry & manual ...

    A/P Invoice Memos that are in history should be able to be accessed through Manual Check & Payment Entry as well as Check Entry.
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    Sort options on Credit Card Reconcile Statements: date, invoice, ...

    It would be nice to be able to sort the Credit Card Reconcile columns just like in other areas- AP & AR. This would make selecting the charges to pay on the reconcile ...
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    Expose the "recall invoices" field when creating a VI import to void a ...

    Recent enhancement addressed voiding the ENTIRE check run but simply have access to the field (and related programming would greatly enhance void functionality.
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    Error: "43 SWQMAN 4120" when adding new field to Custom Lookup

    Per KB 97368, defect ID 110790 that was created on 05/03/2019, Cause - Maximum number of fields reached (includes Standard fields, UDF's and Customizations from 3rd ...
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    Pay now button for renewing annual client care

    Pay now button for renewing annual client care - How about adding a "pay now button" when the 45 day warning message appears when Sage PR renewal is about to expire. In ...
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    Change the color on the ENTIRE line when selecting files in the ...

    Change the color on the ENTIRE line when selecting files in the rebuild key files and reinitialize files utilities. While it is nice to see that the LINE number column ...
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    ACH/EFT option for 8-5 Equipment Payments

    With ACH/EFT so popular it would be nice to have the option to select paying via ACH/EFT in the 8-5 Equipment Payments vs only having the option to pay by check
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    Include the version in the default installation path

    On machines that have multiple instances of Sage 100, it would help distinbuish between versions if the version was included in the default installation path name (i.e. ...
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    Prompt with a warning when creating or changing Paperless Direct ...

    This feature would make the user aware that the new override password will not open any previously created PDFs. The override password established at the time the PDF was ...
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    “Undo” for everyday transactions

    Just like in Microsoft Word, I'd like to be able to "undo" an action or transaction if I make a mistake
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    Support Web Site: Make the Problem and Additional Text Boxes Larger

    The Problem and Additional Text boxes on the create support case web site are much to small. Both are small in size and limited to 255 chars. I know that is a MAS ...