• Votes


    Customer division should have the option to be set up with its own set ...

    If we want detail sales on the P&L based on the different customer divisions, we should be able to set up each division with its own account.
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    have a map link for addresses

    It would be nice to have a link that would take you to the address for jobs, customers, employees ets...
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    Purchase order ship to address deletion

    Fix program so that purchase order ship to addresses are recorded. Currently purchase order ship to addresses are disappeared when the purchase order is invoiced. ...
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    Automatic trimming needed when pasting Vendor Item Codes or Alias Item ...

    When I called in and reported the problem that SAGE 100 does not trim whitespace characters when you paste an Alias Item Number, I was told that this is a common problem ...
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    Change printer name from "\\server name\name of printer" to "name of ...

    Unable to view the printer name when printing from Sage. Change the format would make it easier to pick printers.
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    Add GL source journal type to post non-cash transaction to an account ...

    Add as GL source journal that can be used to post non-cash transaction to a financial account so it will not impact the Standard Cash Flow Stmt. As an example, the ...
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    Accounts Payable-When entering a vendor with multiple invoices, have a ...

    Accounts Payable Save time and be more accurate
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    Memo maintenance screen

    I would like to see the dates associated with the memo on the maintenance screen. I would also like to see the initials of the original user who entered the memo ...
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    General Liabilitty Insurance based on Sales not Payroll

    Sage computes the General Liability Insurance costs on Payroll and the cost is often based on sales. Sage 100 does not allow for accrurals either way. Allowing for ...
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    Put Misc Items in same location as Stock items but with a checkbox ...

    Why aren't Miscellaneous Items in the same location as Stock items? Misc items don't even have a spot to put a Vendor? You need to know the Vendor before you can place a ...
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    Next Record arrows should keep the Sort and Filter settings.

    Next Record arrows should keep the Sort and Filter settings. Ex: A/P Invoice History Inquiry-Hit the magnifying glass and get a list of all the invoices, sorted by ...
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    Create a security event for issuing credit memos in sales order and ...

    To enhance security and fraud prevention create a security event in Role Maintenance to allow the user to issue credit or debit memos in invoice data entry in Sales Order ...
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    Allow option to select lot in Order Entry when the order is "on hold"

    Currently you cannot select a lot when an order is on hold. This is necessary as in our business selecting a particular lot reserves it from being sold.
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    Allow bold font to be a choice not only in reports but also in the ...

    When working in entry screens and look up screens the font is so light it is hard to distinguish numbers. A bold font would be easier to see.
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    Support Multi Factor Authentication for emails sent through Sage

    We are unable to process AP check run unless the email address assigned for sending direct deposit notices to vendors has the MFA turned off. IT staff must be available ...
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    Sub CO shows Total of Approved CO V.S. Entered Total

    Presently the Total at the bottom of the Sub CO shows the total of the entered change orders for the subcontractor. If the change orders are approved out of order the ...
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    limit user logon to specific pc/machine name(s)

    add the ability to limit the machine(s) a user or role can logon to. This would prevent a user from accessing sage from areas they shouldn't be, ie an accounting user ...
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    Allow to preview the Daily Transaction Journal before updating the ...

    If the Daily Transaction Journal is out of balance (happens to us about 1-2x/year), we are unable to catch this before updating the Sales Order Batch. Additionally, ...
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    Increase the journal entry number field from six to 10

    It would be helpful to categorize the journal entries by month for easily identification rather than using the system generated number. Example:083119AR1, 083119AR2, ...
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    RMA Module should not allow part to be over returned on same invoice ...

    The system allows an RMA to be over-returns/credits against an original invoice. Example, if the original invoice is for one part, the RMA allows multiple returns with ...