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    When selling items that are not set up as part# would like to be able to simply enter cost, select desired markup %, and have sage calculate / populate the selling price
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    Fix the search by name for customers / vendors

    in the search feature where you simply start typing customer name in sales order entry and customer inquiry etc needs fewe things fixed. First we need more characters. ...
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    Show Cash Receipt Number on Customer Inquiry Invoice and Transaction ...

    Add a column to show the Cash Receipt number when looking up transactions for a customer. This would be on Tab 6. Invoices and on Tab 7. Transactions under the Customer ...
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    Warning in AP and AR Invoice Data entry

    A warning in AP/AR invoice data entry would be nice when the invoice date entered is for a period closed or future date. This will allow the employee to take a second ...
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    Cutom Buttons Don't Anchor Properly

    I found a post saying this was resolved in 2016. Not so. I have the same problem in 2017 and 2019. Custom buttons appear as expected when first launching the panel but ...
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    Add the Ability to Use the Select Button for Invoices with Job Numbers ...

    Many of our invoices that we transfer to Credit Card Vendors are tied to job numbers; without this feature, a lot of time is wasted selecting invoices one-by-one to ...
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    Add Ability to Create and Record Change Orders for Purchase Orders

    In the Purchase Order module, would like to be able to record changes made to a Purchase Order (i.e., quantity changes, item changes, etc.) and have the system generate a ...
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    Create a Role to Allow/Prevent Credit Card Processing

    There are permissions to override certain credit card processes, but would like to see a role to allow or prevent users from processing credit cards in Sales Order ...
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    Revise Lookups

    Would like to see various lookups within Sage 100 (i.e., Customer Maintenance, Invoice Data Entry) revised to show an expanded lookup list with sidebar scroll to view ...
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    Deployable workstation updates as MSP files

    It's great that we now have MSI installers for workstation setup. I can deploy that - awesome. Now can we get patches as MSP files? We use Sage 100 2015 Premium so ...
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    Automatically retry to update when being blocked by another user

    When trying to update and another user is blocking the process, the system should automatically retry for a set amount of time instead of having to update the daily ...
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    Since we have to go to the portal to find out if there are updates to ...

    This would help us verify that no updates are needed at this time.
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    Invoicing before batching

    It would be wonderful if we could invoice before creating a batch. IF we could invoice throughout the day and batch at the end of the day, this would save time.
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    Ability to change vendor ID

    It would be helpful to be able to change the vendor ID and have the complete vendor history come with it, rather than setting up a new vendor (in the case of a name ...
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    Generate a Warranty Expense Account entry in GL from an RMA return ...

    We don't know if a item is covered by warranty until the used item is returned to the company. At that time we enter the return of the item. Which is then put in the ...
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    Create a utility to 'clean up' the sy_griddefinition file. There are times when a user has a grid problem and you have to manually delete any of that user's records in ...
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    Support Windows 10 and Microsoft Surface Pro tablets.

    I am told that Sage does not support either Windows 10 or the use of a Microsoft Surface Pro tablet. I recently switch to a Surface Pro tablet as my desktop (for ease of ...
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    In Item Maintenance/Inquiry - Stay on selected warehouse

    In Item Maintenance/Inquiry, tab 4 History; would it be possible to leave the Warehouse on the selected warehouse from product to product once you click on the Accept ...
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    Customer/Vedor/Item/BOM Maintenance - last edited by

    Place somewhere on the screen in any of the maintenance fields what user last edited and when. Maybe go as far as what was edited.
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    AR Invoice Should print with adjustment

    Once you adjust an invoice it should as least print the adjusted balance and the adjustment line on the invoice. Should not have to print two separate items.