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    Why doesn't Sage 100 let you change the Product Type on an item that ...

    Sage will not let me change the Product Type on an item that is setup as a kit once a Bill of Materials is created for it. So, if I would like to discontinue this item ...
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    Add sort feature on customised lookups

    Add the ability to set default sorts on the fields on the ALE customized looks
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    Automatically run rebuild sort files

    Since some of the fields in inventory such as on S/O, on P/O, etc. do periodically get out of sync with reality for whatever reason, it would be nice if there was some ...
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    Bring back the chat function and ability to shut down individual user ...

    In a much older version of MAS 90 you could chat with other logged-in users. It was a very basic function, but quite handy. Also, if given proper permissions, you could ...
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    Increase the length of the Vendor Number field.

    Seven characters is not enough.
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    Ability to search within a job/short name

    It would be nice to be able to search within a field. For instance when we give something a job name someone may key it in as ABC-Johnson field work. If I don't know ...
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    Show phase # in 3-5 Tab A/R invoices

    When a job has many phases it would be nice to see what phases have been billed by clicking this tab.
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    Prompt for date when running the Cash Receipts Journal

    Enable the Accounting Date prompt when running Cash Receipts Journals. ALL other journals and registers prompt you for an accounting date, but the Cash Receipts Journal ...
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    Fix On SO and On PO Quantity in Item Maintenance

    Several client's constantly have to rebuild sort files for SO and PO in order for the On SO and On PO quantities to be correct in Item Maintenance. So far the standard ...
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    allow user to change font size on screens without having to modify ...

    Office programs allow one to change font size of screen views. Sage should make it easier to view screens in font size that is easier for user to change.
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    Create Utility that will update ALL udf/udt fields globally at the ...

    Create Utility that will update ALL udf/udt fields globally at the same time. Currently, when installing an update (e.g. v4.4), the UDF's must be updated one table at a ...
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    Show real table names in User Defined Field and Table Maintenance's ...

    For clarity, show the literal table names in UDF / UDT Maintenance's main module / table listing. Examples: AR Customer Master (AR_Customer) CI Item Master (CI_Item)
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    Allow users to select their own font size!!

    You either have to squint with standard view or lose detail when using classic view
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    Enable Global Temp Variables for VI Imports

    One of VI's biggest headaches for us is that we cannot automatically import cash receipts due to a single data field: the BatchNo. This is due to the requirement that VI ...
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    Add the IM_LotSerialOrderWork.M4T table to Custom Office

    Would like to add Lot/Serial UDF to work table, in order to add UDF to the Lot/Serial Order Detail screen. This screen is accessible from Item Maintenance/Inquiry and ...
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    Recalculate price on SO by line

    Sometimes we enter a sales order and either have to update cost/price on an item, or find out that the item hasn't been received or is incorrectly listed at 0 quantity ...
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    Equal decimals across all inventory monduals

    Some modules let you enter/adjust inventory up to the 4th digit after the decimal point. But if a fraction quantity is left in the system, you can't clear it out because ...
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    button in PO/SO to sort by required/promise date

    sometimes in PO/SO entry we can have 60+ line items. when customers pull in or push out it'd be so much easier to have an option to resort line items by ...
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    When running an inquiry and a filter is applied, it would be great if ...

    Custom inquiry list disappears after one selection.
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    enable multiple mpns to be listed under one item#

    Right now we're limited to one mpn and mfr per item under the additional tab in Item Maintenance, while we are usually able to choose from multiple mpn's on the customer ...