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    Ability to Automatically email AR Statements in Task Scheduler

    In the Library Master module, the task scheduler allows you to automate tasks within Sage 100. It would be great if it would allow you to schedule AR Statements to be ...
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    Option to delete part numbers completely with Invoice history.

    Under Inventory Utlities: Delete and Change item numbers the user should be asked the question "Do you want to delete this item with Invoice History". The new 4.4 keeps ...
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    paperless office output confusing

    Every single paperless office output (including print) should simply write back to the paperless office module. Or at least have this as a system set up option. It can ...
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    Allow any master record to be changed to an inactive status to ...

    Allow any master record to be changed to an inactive status to eliminate from lookups and prevent posting
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    GJ/TJ Entry Imports from Excel

    1. The ability to import for Transaction Journal Entries and 2. the ability to do multiple "batches" for Transaction Journal Entries and each entry goes into their own ...
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    Bank Code Setup - MICR Preview is gone in Ver 5.2 (2015)

    Bank Code Setup - MICR setup preview button has been removed in Ver. 2015. Now there no way to confirm that the MICR font is working correctly prior to printing the ...
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    Bring back the Micr symbols in Bank Code Maintenance

    The symbols fields and preview buttons have been removed from bank code maintenance because "the information here was misleading." This was a simple way to determine if ...
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    Add Memo Button to Bank Code Maintenance.

    Add Memo Button to Bank Code Maintenance so memos can be attached to bank codes. These could be used in: Bank Reconciliation module's Check, Deposit and Adjustment Entry ...
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    Consolidate Multiple Bank Codes in Bank Rec Module

    We use ADP for payroll. A couple employees don't want direct deposit, so I use Transaction Journal Entry to record those live checks so that it shows up in the GL and in ...
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    Show the date of receipt of line items received within actual PO

    Show the date of receipt of line items received within actual PO
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    Include Positive Pay Export in Task Scheduler

    By adding the Positive Pay Export to the Task Scheduler, it wouldn't be necessary to go into the Bank Rec and manually export the Positive Pay file each time checks are ...
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    Printing & Font size

    It's very frustrating that I can't print in Landscape format!!! Also, the fonts on the reports are so very TINY. Please do something about this.
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    Add spell check and rich text to SO Line Item Text/Extended Text ...

    Spell checking was added to other notes and fields, however the descriptions that end up on PO's and SO's that go to Vendors and Customers don't have spell correction. ...
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    If excel is not installed, fallback to export an XLSX file instead of ...

    Excel is proprietary and expensive. If it is not installed, the export to excel button in the inquiry window lookups should fallback to exporting an XLS(X) file rather ...
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    have an option to force all fields to be ALL CAPS
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    Change # of digits in check no - Sage 2021

    Since converting to Sage 2021 it looks like there are 10 digits required for the check number. Ours are 5 digit so there are 5 zeros added to the front. Any way to change ...
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    Ability to make miscellaneous items inactive

    We need the ability to make miscellaneous items inactive. Misc items cannot be deleted if they have history, so at least give us the ability to make them inactive.
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    Do not allow quantity shipped to exceed quantity on hand

    Add an option so that the quantity being shipped cannot exceed the quantity on hand in shipping data entry or invoice data entry so quantities don't go negative.
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    Multiple entries in A/P Manual check entry and then print whole check ...

    We post our utility bills as a manual check run as the bills come in. We would like to be able to enter all the manual check entries and then print all at once rather ...
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    When creating an invoice in accounts receivable invoice entry. ...

    Sage 100. When creating an invoice in accounts Receivable invoice entry. Increase the number of characters in the quantity field.