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    Increase the length of the PO Number field in Purchase Order

    Some clients use PO numbers where each digit is meaningful and the current limit of 7 characters is too restrictive.
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    In A/P Invoice Data Entry, autofill the distribution amount with the ...

    when distributing the invoice amount to a G/L account, automatically fill the Amount field with the invoice amount from Tab 1. An amount always needs to be entered ...
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    Create a Method to Sort Custom Reports on the Menu Alphabetically

    I would like a way to sort the crystal reports added to the Custom reports menus in all modules of MAS90. Right now the report is added to the bottom of the list and ...
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    Retain Vendor Remit To in Check/Payment History

    If changing a Remit To in Manual Check Printing, this change is not retained in Check or Payment History. MAS will reflect the original vendor information not what was ...
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    Look up customer check info

    to have the ability to lookup (or click on) a customer's check number and see what all was paid/deducted on that check.
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    Add ability to enable or disable negative inventory popup in S/O by ...

    I have salespeople in the field that enter their own invoices into S/O and normally they are entering sales for items that have not been transferred to their warehouse ...
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    Multiple company bank reconcilliation.

    The ability to consolidate like records across multiple company codes into a single entry in the one company.
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    Additional Pricing Tiers for Item Pricing

    Create more flexibility for assigning items price. Please comment on how many layers of pricing your company uses for your product with the most tiers.
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    Contract Pricing by Valid Date

    Add additional pricing options to Inventory Item Pricing as Customer/Valid Date, Price Level/Valid Date, and Customer/Price Level/Valid Date.
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    Add the Warehouse Code from the Header to the SO_InvoiceWrk file

    Add the Header Warehouse Code to the Sales Order Invoice Work file, so you do not have to add the actual SO_InvoiceHeader file to the form to add the field.
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    The ability to auto-update chosen transactions to the general ledger.

    Have an option is each module to decide whether it should update automatically to the general ledger vs a manual update.
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    Allow import into the Sales Tax XReference Table.

    I can export the data but cannot import it. This enhancement would allow me to take the tax rate data based on Zip Code provided by our State Tax department and ...
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    Allow Customer Memo Maintenance screen to be customized.

    New Memo's start with Auto Display option of NEVER. Would like to use customizer to change default to ALWAYS
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    Print picking sheets with all items in numerical order EXCLUDING kits.

    At present the system allows you to print warehouse items in numerical order when printing a picking slip. This function however also includes your kits. When the kit ...
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    Create a link to Sage CRM within MAS EES. No way to use it within the ...

    Within the MAS EES product, there is no way to launch SAGE CRM. You have to use a bookmarked link in Internet Explorer to lauch the product. Who is going to remember ...
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    AR Invoice History Report. Drop down for Sales Order Number. Use the ...

    Lookup needs to look at Invoice Hitory File. Not Live Sales order file
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    Customer Credit Card Payments Post Directly to Credit Card Processor's ...

    When posting a credit card payment via the Cash Receipts function in MAS 200, add a check box that would cause automatic posting of the cash receipt to the customer's ...
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    Change IM/SO/Po Unit of measure to 9 places

    some us would like to run a number only system for u/m, at the currect time, 10,000,000 has to be 10m and others fall into this same problem, try to write a crystal ...
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    Add Special Order And Non-Stock to the Product types in IM

    There need to be moe choice in the product types to handle real world inventory
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    Bring back Report Master

    It was a quick and easy way to write simple reports for everyday use or a specific one time function. Especially when you need to pull specific data items into a report. ...