• Votes


    Inventory Control: Ability to handle multiple bins per item

    This is a standard function used in most warehouse operations.
  • Votes


    Inventory Control: Add a link to a picture for the item in IC Item

    Add a link to a picture file (*.jpg, *.bmp,etc.) for the item in IC Item
  • Votes


    Purchase Orders - see receipts

    Currently PO only shows the last receipt against a PO, it would be useful to have a history tab basically showing the receipts against the various lines ie being able to ...
  • Votes


    Inventory: Accpac should have a cycle count feature

    Accpac should have the features to create cycle count schedules for your items and to record the counts.
  • Planned


    Additional Cost on Purchase Order

    It would be great to be able to add an estimated Additional Cost on the Purchase Order Entry screen. Sometimes the receiving clerks aren't accounts people, and only ...
  • Votes


    Obsolete Items

    It would be good to be able to make an IC item obsolete - so it could still have stock (usually until it runs out) but you don't want staff adding it to orders without a ...
  • Votes


    Qty Received More than Qty PO

    Please provide option to allow or disallow a percentage of amount if Qty Received on PO is higher than what has been PO. In order for control warehousing and vendor ...
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    PO Receipts show Invoices applied

    It would be really useful when looking at a PO receipt to be able to see which invoices have been applied against that particular receipt.
  • Votes


    PO - Expected Arrival Date

    When you change Expected Arrival Date in PO header have the new date automatically populated to all lines in the PO
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    Serialized Inventory - Allow users to multi-select serial numbers when ...

    Rather than opening the finder multiple times to select serials that are not in numerical order. Client does not use bar code scanners.
  • Votes


    IC Transfers - Add a "Receive All" button on the Transit Receipt ...

    Saves having to open up each detail line and enter received quantities and serial/lot numbers.
  • Votes


    OE Line Item Expected Ship Dates default to Today's date

    Most non-retail operations hardly ever ship an item on the same date as the Order Date. Yet that is the default for Accpac OE. We run several Custom Delivery reports, ...
  • Votes


    Inventory Lead Times

    It would be useful if inventory lead times could be recorded in IC - under the vendor details. It would then be useful to include them in reorder reports
  • Votes


    Allow users to manually set the due date on an invoice at the time of ...

    Often, you don't know when an order will ship at the time of order entry. We would like to be able to set a due date at the time of order entry. Can't use Terms Codes, as ...
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    Purchase Orders: Invoice Number Validation when creating Receipt Entry

    Accpac should check for existing Invoice Numbers during data entry in the PO module so that the AP and PO Invoice number will always be the same. Now when creating ...
  • Votes


    Order Entry: Ability to modify/edit Kit Item components in OE

    Ability to modify/edit Kit Item components in OE
  • Planned


    Ship-To email address

    One of the email options should be to use the ship-to email address so that when emailing OE confirmations, invoices etc, they would be emailed to the correct ship-to not ...
  • Votes


    Commission Calculation

    It would be useful if a commission table/matrix could be created. The whole commission tracking in Accpac is very basic and I know that it is difficult to come up with ...
  • Votes


    Lot Number and Serial Number Tracking on Web screens

    At the moment (Sage 300 2018), this facility available only on classic screens. Being web access at high demand providing the same functionality on web would be ...
  • Votes


    IC Transfers - Add the ability to edit transit transfer detail lines ...

    Sometimes, there are changes that need to be made to the detail lines (in quantities or serial/lot numbers) that it would be easier to do if it could be done before the ...