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    I need the job profitability report to include prior years ...

    Ever since your latest upgrade, my job profitability report does not include prior years, even though for the date I entered 1-1-04 through 1-31-15, and check the period ...
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    NEW CSI CODES - Update Cost Codes to match Current CSI Codes

    We would like to update our cost codes to conform with the new CSI Cost Codes that were implemented in 2012. If we want to match the cost codes in a spec book when ...
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    For more simple cost code numbering systems I would suggest you make ...

    I find the 3 numbers after the decimal unnecessary in my numbering system. I would like the option to remove the decimal. For example, instead of 100.000, I would like ...
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    prelims, pre-lims, preliens, pre-liens, preliminary notices

    We need data field to be able to track prelims. A tab could be added to the Subcontract to track suppliers prelims and releases. It could be just a simple list to at ...
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    We would like to be able to apply multiple invoices to a PO without it ...

    We would like to be able to put a quantity of 1 and a dollar value for a PO and then apply multiple invoices to fulfill the PO.
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    Job costing grid is overly complicated. Job Costing needs to be more ...

    The job costing grid should be eliminated. Job costing should be more closely tied to the General Ledger. There should simply be an extra field on each detail line of ...
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    There needs to be an over budget alert that recognizes the combined ...

    For example when using the same cost code multiple times with in a budget, the over budget alert only recognizes one of the values entered for that perticular cost code. ...
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    Multiple Sub change order numbers on single change order record

    We often generate a single Prime Change Request which encompasses all the potential changes for a period of time (to ease the paperwork the Client must review). The ...
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    show all status in change order list

    please, please have an option to show ALL change order status in the job change order list! if one is voided or rejected, you cant see it and i end up reusing the number ...
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    MyCommunicator for Sage 100

    We just went thru training for MyCommunicator, not knowing it was Sage 300 only. It's AWESOME! We REALLY need this for Sage 100 Contractors!!! This would save so much ...
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    Budget $$ by cost code compared to PO $ by cost code

    We should be easily able to see what we budgeted by job/cost code vs what has been committed on PO by job/cost code. To make sure our detail is in line with the total.
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    Daily Report too detailed

    When entering information off a daily report it is required to enter regular and overtime pay. However this information may not be readily available or understood. It ...
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    Job costing allocations for burden and overhead should be shown ...

    I have been in the construction industry cost accounting for 40 years. In 2005 I purchased Master Builder for a new company. At the time of purchase I did not realize ...
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    I would like to see a report that would allow me to search for budget ...

    The cost journal reports offer a wide range of options to search by. I would like to see the Job Status and Job summary reports have the same options for pulling ...
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    Submittal Numbering "Next By Job" F7 Option

    Similar to numbering a Request For Information, it is critical to be able to track Submittals on a by job basis. There is currently a field for "Submittal #" but there ...
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    Allow pictures inserted into Correspondence (6-11-8)

    To complete customer communications, we often include pictures, drawings, etc. Please add this capability to include in the body of the correspondence table. Because we ...
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    Job Status Report optional (6-1-1) format changes needed

    The Job Status Report is missing OPEN PURCHASE ORDER information which is critical to job review. Please add the user option to include it just like you have one for OPEN ...
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    Change Order Budgets

    The budget tab on change order (6-4-1) should update the job budget to reflect the increase or decrease in budget when it is approved.
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    Job Phase & Subcontract Records

    Subcontracts currently require Job Phase to be entered into the header of the record, forcing a different subcontract record for each phase of a job. It would be better ...
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    An option to track PO's by amount instead of quantity.

    I have found that more often than not in the construction industry, especially at the small to medium level, materials are not viewed as quantities. A supplier will ...