• Votes


    reprint check with same number

    In AP set-up, we can choose to get an error message so we could NOT print twice the same check number, or at least we are supposed to get an error message. Well, Accpac ...
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    A/P Invoices should allow a mixture of both job-related and non-job ...

    It is very frustrating to receive an American Express bill or a fuel card statement that has a mixture of overhead expenses and items that are chargeable to a job and to ...
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    Put icons in order of use.

    For example, reading from left to right, AP invoice entry should come before the invoice batch list. I think new users would appreciate this change.
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    CHEQUE should be reverse sperately becuase if Bank Reconciliation not ...

    When I tried cheque reverse I have to wait bank reconsiliation finished then I can see my cheque reverse. But some time Bank may be not reconcilied then I can't post Bank ...
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    Allow Database Load directly from compressed file.

    With large databases it would be nice to allow Database Load from a compressed file. Typically when moving dump files around we compress them to move them around. Then ...
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    Uninstallation should remove the Accpac runtime folder from the path ...

    After uninstalling Accpac the path to the runtime folder remains in the computer's environmental variables. This creates several problems especially when changing to a ...
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    License file generator

    Would be great to have a utility to generate license files without the need to install the programs. Prior to v5.6 I was able to run the set-up, enter the serial number ...
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    Copy setup from one company to new company

    Add the ability to COPY the setup from an existing company database, but copying only the setup files and master files, but no history. Ideally, be able to select the ...
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    Workflow becoming hot topics

    Workflow should be introduced in ACCPAC. Financial Management 1. New Journal entry require approval before posting. Superior should be notify with email and approve. 2. ...
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    Reduce Number of Icons on ACCPAC Desktop

    Complaint from users and consultants there are too many icons on desktop. Sometime quite confusing. But the Security Group does not work in line with the number of icons ...
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    Sort Menus and Keep the Order

    When creating custom menus allow us to sort by name for fix the sequence of the icons. Currently they get randomized when you exit Accpac.
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    run Accpac in a browser

    Provide a web interface to allow users to access Accpac directly from any Internet Browser without any installation required (no ActiveX controls)
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    When implementing National Accounts there needs to be a setup wizard.

    This will especially help when installing National Accounts for the first time on an Accpac database that has existing customers because currently there is not an easy ...
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    IC: Solution for Alternate items, in order to use the alternate item ...

    Alternate items: In order to have an user allowed to use alternate item function, access to IC setup maintenance must be approved security group even though access to ...
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    Finders to allow multiple filtering during record searching

    Finders to allow multiple filtering during record searching. Able to search by multiple filters and conditions, then search within the next filter.
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    Make all fields sortable for the users to access

    Make all fields in all of the Finder screens sortable for the users to access.
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    Ability to give documents alias names

    In the print control, instead of choosing an rpt file be able to give the documents alias names such as Proforma Invoice, Order Confirmation. Hide the complexity from the ...
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    Do updates from within a finder window

    Be able to do updates from within a finder window instead of having to import/export.
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    Allow batches to have limited access to other users

    User should be able to create batches that cannot be accessed by anyone else. Or create supervisor role that can access them. This is a real problem in AP. There are some ...
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    Keep track of audit trail

    Often times enterprise users want to be able to keep track of audit trail. They want to be able to find out the time and date of a record has been modified, and the name ...