• Votes


    Do not allow quantity shipped to exceed quantity on hand

    Add an option so that the quantity being shipped cannot exceed the quantity on hand in shipping data entry or invoice data entry so quantities don't go negative.
  • Planned


    Bring back the "Shift" key functionality to choosing groups of ...

    Why was this ever removed? If you don't like the functionality of the "Shift" key, just don't use the "Shift" key. Problem solved. I have several divisions within the ...
  • Votes


    Inventory Module: We ship inventory from our stock and also as a drop ...

    We often ship standard stock from our inventory (warehoused) but in some situations, we have it dropshipped directly from our independent supplier. If it is drop ...
  • Votes


    Notify suggestors when their suggestion has been implemented!!!

    It's such a time waster to have to search the same suggestions over and over. Please notify the suggestor and those who voted for the suggestion when it is completed.
  • Votes


    form code security

    please add form code security so only allowed users can create or alter forms, this should not be an open thing to all users, this recently caused junk form to be created ...
  • Votes


    allow the ability to change freight and discount GL accounts when ...

    We have two separate freight accounts. If we deliver the order and charge the customer we code that to freight sales. If we hire LTL and charge the customer a portion ...
  • Votes


    Allow drag and drop to attach memos

    The ability to drag and drop all different attachments into memos. This would give the option of adding emails and other files with ease. (ex: adding email conversations ...
  • Votes


    Support for Drag & Drop

    It can be implemented for the entire panel or via a specialized control. If Sage could accept and run a script on dropped files then that would vastly help improve many ...
  • Votes


    Add spell check and rich text to SO Line Item Text/Extended Text ...

    Spell checking was added to other notes and fields, however the descriptions that end up on PO's and SO's that go to Vendors and Customers don't have spell correction. ...
  • Votes


    accounts payable data entry ability to change invoice number during ...

    Accounts Payable Data Entry Prior to Update. Upon review of entry, notice that vendor invoice number was entered incorrectly. It would be nice to be able to correct the ...
  • Votes


    Customize or Disable Sage 100 Information Center Screen

    Web access and web browser is not available on the terminal server - users are clicking on links and getting errors. There should be a way to disable clicks on the ...
  • Votes


    customer countyAdd County Name to Customer Masterfile

    AR Customer Masterfile needs to store the Customer's County Name so that Sales reports can be sorted by County in addition to State, City and Zip Code.
  • Votes


    Expand Terms Code Field and make it Alpha Numeric

    Right now the Terms Code is only 2 characters long. Please do the following: 1. Expand the Field to be larger. 2. Make it Alpha Numeric There are terms such as COD, ...
  • Votes


    Increase Paperless Delivery Email Character Limit

    Being able to increase the email paperless delivery character limit from 50 to 60 would be essential. This would be beneficial as some facilities rather electronic ...
  • Votes


    Show the User who entered/created the transaction in all modules

    In Purchase Order Entry/Inquiry you can see which user created the PO. However in most places in MAS you can't tell who did what. It would be so nice to know who to go to ...
  • Votes


    Rename Tasks in Modules

    I believe that some of the tasks within Sage 100 should be renamed. For example, Daily Transaction Register. Many users have no idea what that means. It should be ...
  • Votes


    Decimal precision expansion through out the system

    Increase decimal precision to at least 6 through out the system
  • Votes


    Make MAS Faster! Screen pops and inquiries take too long.

    Version 4.x of MAS is 2-10x slower than version 3.x. We find it's unusable in a normal install, we have to run it via Terminal Services. Screen pops and inquiries that ...
  • Planned


    Add Export to Excel button on Paperless Office Viewer grids.

    Since most grids now have this feature, please add it to Paperless Office Viewers.
  • Votes


    Paperless Office - Production Management Module

    Add support for the PM module to capture Work Ticket Printing into Paperless Office.