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    AP Vendor Maintenance| AP Data Entry | Remember Multiple GL Codes

    When entering AP it would be helpful for MAS90 to remember multiple GL codes rather than just one. If we're going to go this route we should also start predetermined ...
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    AP Invoice Entry | Extended Invoice Number | Storage

    Many vendors require their account number to be shown on the check. It typically needs to be entered into the Ext. Invoice No. field. It would helpful to have the option ...
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    Add AP_VendorRemit to lookups in Vendor Maintenance and Vendor Inquiry

    When creating a custom lookup in Vendor Maintenance or Vendor Inquiry, the "Available Fields" do not include the table AP_VendorRemit. It would be extremely helpful to ...
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    Allow the creation of multiple Vendor Remit To Addresses

    Many companies have multiple Remit-To addresses and it would be helpful to store these in MAS.
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    Show Vendor Name in the pop-up for "Is this a new vendor" in Inventory ...

    When entering a new Vendor, the pop-up "Is this a new vendor?" should include the name of the vendor so you can know if you have entered the right vendor number.
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    Alias Item Maintenance Description

    In IM Maintenance, when we change a vendor item number it resets the Alias Description to the Item Description (the first 30 characters). We would like to have the Alias ...
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    please fix..many times while in sales order/invoice entry....total ...

    too many times, while a customer is at my desk waiting to pay for purchase....trusting your computations I give the customer what shows as the total.....lo and behold! ...
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    When entering new items into the INVENTORY module you should be allowed AT LEAST 25 characters. 15 characters is WAY TO SHORT. We were told when we got this upgrade we ...
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    Make MAS 200 more like a Windows product and kill all your bugs!

    If copying and pasting from and to MAS 200 could inproved, if the windows didn't lock each other, if at least we could get an error message to why MAS gave us a white ...
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    Copy from line above

    It would save time and eliminate errors if you created a keystroke (i.e. ctrl+7) to copy the line above to the current line. Example would be on PO's - repeating the GL ...
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    Open PO while still having Look Up Open

    I'd like to be able to do a search with the F2 key, keep that window open, and just open PO's from that window, like you can with items and vendors. I believe it's ...
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    Allow Import of Cost Code without Temp fields & Formula

    Currently, Visual Integrator import jobs containing the Cost Code field require the use of temp fields and substrings to parse out the individual sections of the cost ...
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    Change a job number on an invoice after it has been posted.

    If I created an invoice without a job number but want to add it after the invoice has been posted to the system. Sometimes I'll create a deposit invoice or proforma ...
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    Allow for more than 4 characters to be entered into the Reference ...

    Currently you can only enter 4 characters in the reference field. We have reference numbers for some our customers that are more than 4 characters, so we are constantly ...
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    RMA Entry - Calculate and Show Totals

    When entering items into the RMA Entry window, have at the bottom, a total of everything that was entered including, total quantity of claim returned parts, total claim ...
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    Don't require everyone to exit Sage 100 for a physical count freeze

    Sales Order Entry, Inventory Inquiry and maybe customer and vendor inquiry have IM module files open. Basically, we need to get everyone out of Sage 100 in order to ...
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    Date and Time Updated should not be touched by an upgrade

    For example, we have invoice history back to 2011. A user can enter a wrong Invoice Date. They can also enter a wrong Transaction Date. I like to pull a report of every ...
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    Item Inquiry, Orders Tab (6), Show PO Status

    Status determines whether the Ordered or the Back Ordered Qty is the one that matters. Would also be nice to see whether the PO is Complete. As an example, we returned ...
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    custom reports statistics

    Would like to know whether custom reports are being used. Maybe an activity log logging user name and last run date. That way I would know how many users use the report ...
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    count card entry does not allow "discovered" lot to be entered on ...

    If a lot does not exist in item_cost file sage allows the item lot to be entered but only on one card. Sage displays prompt "is this a new lot/serial number?". We answer ...