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    A/R aged invoice report the aged date in the system should be the ...

    A/R aged invoice report the aged date in the systemn should be the current date instead of the preset date
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    Allow printing detailed MRP report by vendor then by item number.

    The current MRP report only allows printing by item number. The MRP action by vendor report does not provide the detail necessary to make actual decisions about item ...
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    Bill of Material Production Order Entry function

    Create a Bill of Material Production Order Entry function, with an Order Date, Planned Production date, etc, similar to Purchase Order. Include it in MRP and inventory ...
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    Increase efficiency in issue refund check to customers

    Make it more user friendly and faster to issue refund checks to customers. The current method of doing the AP to AR clearing and then creating a check that doesn't print ...
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    Set up Credit Cards as a "bank code" in order to be able to perform a ...

    Right now you can attach a purchase from a vendor to the credit card vendor but there is no way to really reconcile the credit card statement other than manually. It ...
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    Check available quantites when converting SO quote to Standard Order

    When converting a Sales Order Quote to a Standard Order, the system should automatically check quantities available for each line item that is on the quote during the ...
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    UDF Validation by Standard MAS tables in addtion to UDT's

    The scripts provide by Steve Malmgren are GREAT as are the accompanying scripts in the Custom Office export provided in the Partner File center. Unfortunately, these ...
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    Accounts Payable Check printing. If integration to General Ledger ...

    This prompt creates confusion then generates error message if G/L integratio not turned on.
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    Consigned inventory

    Add ability to track consigned in or out inventory without the use of work-arounds.
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    Separate the serial or lot attribute from valuation method

    Make serial or lot attribute separate from valuation method. Some users wish to track lot and serial numbers for items but wish to still use FIFO, standard or some other ...
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    Allow Items on a Bill to have a fixed quantity per bill rather than ...

    Currently there is no way to have a single unit per Work Order. There is a kludge to issue some small portion of that and then have the systems scale the partial units ...
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    Ability to disable the fax cover page when faxing forms or reports in ...

    Ability to disable the fax cover page when faxing forms or reports in Paperless Office
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    Add ability to easily clear CC transactions that have "hit the bank" ...

    Add ability to easily clear CC transactions that have "hit the bank" statement, using a "check the box" mechanism similar to the bank reconciliation module. Currently, a ...
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    Give user option to select the default source of email address on the ...

    Give user option to select the default source of email address field on the sales order: 1) customer master, 2) contact record or 3) ship to record. This would also make ...
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    Add more flexibility to Sales Promotion Maintenance.

    Allow user to specify a saels promotion and search criteria to get a group of items. Then have a check box type function to select which items on the list should be ...
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    In custom office, add ability to export multiple customized versions ...

    Add ability to export multiple customized versions of the same form or report when using customizer export wizard
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    Allow a blanket discount to be entered and adjust cost of individual ...

    Enter a po with list costs. Then enter a blanket discount percent and have it adjust the individual line items so the cost received will be the discounted cost. Allows ...
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    In Visual Integrator, add XML as one of the file formats that can be ...

    In Visual Integrator, add XML as one of the file formats that can be imported or exported
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    Add ability to issue payroll advance check from within payroll module ...

    Add ability to issue payroll advance check from within payroll module instead of AP.
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    Add better accounting for machine and machine hours

    Add better accounting for machine and machine hours (instead of labor hours) to routers and WO transaction entry